Mostly playing around with Stable Diffusion and generative AI imagery. I refuse to call it “art” out of respect for real artists.

📷 pixelfed

🎨 CivitAI

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

    toStarfield@lemmy.zipSunrise At The Pup
    9 months ago

    In the Expanse books, there’s a planet called Auberon that has an 8 hour rotation, so 4 hours of light and 4 hours of dark. They decided that “1 day” would be light-dark-light and “1 night” is dark-light-dark. It’s really interesting how they describe the way society adapts to the cycle of having a midnight sun and both a midmorning and evening sunset.

  • I thought i had a good system where each outpost was only exporting 1 solid, 1 liquid, and 1 gas. This allowed me to isolate and sort at the receiving outpost.

    The problem occurs when each outposts import & export containers get full. At which point materials flow from the export station, go to the import location where they can’t be unloaded, THEN THEY COME BACK to the original outpost where they get offloaded. You wind up with all the same materials filling both the import and export containers. Now the entire material flow is completely borked, nothing is getting imported, and all you have access to is the stuff thats locally produced.

  • EDIT: Fixed it. After deleting the app from the phone, and choosing the option to remove all data, a fresh install allowed me to go through the real Pro subscription process.

    Original message below: I’m having trouble subscribing to Pro. I did the fake lifetime subscription in TestFlight a few days ago, and it still says i’m subscribed in the app store version. In TestFlight, it now shows the option to install bean, so I’m pretty sure the version on my phone is the official release. I want to give you real money!