Ok, so let’s say you’re a performer and from time to time people yell something at you while you’re on stage. Given the context, let’s divide all comments into two categories.
Commentary on your performance. These could be statements like “wwooooooo!”, “you suck!”, “I love you!”, “get off the stage!” or “play free bird”.
Other bullshit. This includes any comments not about your music or the performance currently in progress. Basically anything off topic or not covered by category 1.
If someone yelled “do you support genocide?”, what category would you put that in?
Now once you’ve answered that question, I want you to remember that your answer doesn’t actually matter at all either way. Because in the end, a performer on stage is never obligated to respond to anything yelled at them from the floor.
But you’re right I guess, “political issue” was the wrong way to frame it. I should have said “other bullshit” (as laid out above).
That does make me wonder though, which countries do breed the most innovation?
What’s the startup capitol of the world? How does one set of national policies stack up against another when it comes to the number of patents or successful businesses per Capita?
As much as the sentiment of your statement feels right, I wonder if the numbers back it up, or if it’s more truthiness than truth?
And to be clear, I’m really not trying to throw shade here, I’m actually curious, questioning my own preconceptions.