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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Assorted thoughts and observations as I watched (reposted from the other place):

    • Oh, shit, we’ve got a space-ring!
    • Don’t you hate it when the god-computer starts lagging?
    • Ransom: Hidden art critic.
    • Boimler leading an away mission. What could go wrong?
    • “Everything that has ever occurred is science stuff.”
    • “And or dismemberment”
    • Was that fucking NOMAD?
    • Lancelot the Ferret.
    • The update is going to screw it all up, isn’t it?
    • Yep.
    • I love how the artists just go and start painting the fallen freeze-cloud.
    • Is this the first time that the Kzinti ensign has talked?
    • Blindfolded saber fight!
    • “A mountain, or possibly a volcano has appeared.” (boom) “Ah, it is a volcano.”
    • T’Lyn is great.
    • Move Along Home
    • “He overdosed on Ketracel white”
    • “BRADWARD, NO!”
    • OH GOD, IT’S A KOALA!"
    • Very 2001
    • “You never forget your first death.”

  • Observations and thoughts as I watched (initially posted at the other place):

    • We begin with “Twovix”.

    • Holodeck waste material, AKA jizz, poop, and god knows what else.

    • Oh, hey, T’Lyn!


    • Oh, hey, the probe from the one with the whales!

    • Neelix cheese!

    • Shit did get freaky.

    • Oh shit, they’re going to Tuvix Billups and T’ana!

    • “Janeway straight-up murdered Tuvix.”


    • The Pike Thing, of course.

    • “Back in the 70s”

    • “Captain, I caution against socializing with the organism.”

    • So many VOY deep cuts.

    • “Holy shit. Janeway didn’t mess around.”

    • Macrovirus of Borg. And robotic warp salamander of Borg.

    • “Water, room temperature.”

    • This is definitely T’Ana’s side of T’Llups.

    • Oh god, they tuvixed the Matt the whale! Wait, what about Kimolu? Is he alright? Is he okay?

    • A Tuvixy meatball!

    • Heh, the real solution to the Tuvix conundrum was just to keep merging until it’s a nonsentient blob of meat so there is no murder, so to speak.

    • Oh god I just realized that we’re going to get so much Tuvixy fanart.

    • Bizarre series of Voyager-themed obstacles.


    • Beckett Mariner receives the fate worse than death for her: promotion.

    • Nothing ever good happens “somewhere in Klingon space”

    • RIP Klingon lower-deckers.

    And now, episode 2:

    • Heh, Romulan lower decks.

    • Goodbye, Romulan lower deckers!

    • Heh, those 80s workout stuff.

    • Oh, cool, Boimler still has his Tom Paris tplate!

    • Please tell me Denty has a Memory Alpha page.

    • The Nacelle is right there!

    • Non-botanicals

    • I have just met Moopsy but I would die for it.

    • Oddly enough, this is the SECOND time this year that a Jack Quaid character looked at a VERY bright light. Shoutout to my boy Richard Feynman, the one man crazy enough to watch a nuclear test without goggles.

    • Okay, I would no longer die for the moopsy.

    • Tucker Tubes! Good old Trip got stuff named for him!

    • The Ad Astra Per Aspera poster!

    • I do feel like Starfleet would have better soundproofing, but then again this is the Cerritos.

    • RIP corn guy.

    • LIVIK!

    • Aww, D’Vana Tendi giving orders.

    • Teeth as bread crumbs.

    • Heh, the humans really are the worst.

    • Hah, he could have just used the viewports.

    • Overall, I think I liked this second episode more, even though I loved the VOY fan service.



    • Previously: The various stuff happened.

    • Oh, hey, Cayuga captains log.

    • Nice of them to have a colony modeled after an Earth town. Saves on budget.

    • “SIGNAL LOST.” In space, a dropped call can mean only one thing: Invasion.

    • Oh, we’re doing the Independence Day thing?

    • Telling a Starfleet captain to just do reconnaissance is basically telling them to go weapons free.

    • Nice little tinge of one of the TOS scores at the end of the cold open. Someone more geekier than I can probably place it.

    • If you ever feel like you are useless in life, just remember that there is a “skip intro” button during a “Space, the Final Frontier” monologue.

    • Is the “Gorn Protocol” a hand-cannon with with a diamond?

    • She flies the ship!

    • I’d like to imagine there is a deleted scene where they glue every piece of junk they have onto the shuttle.

    • If they’re going to do a “is someone still alive in the wreckage” storyline, they probably should have flip-flopped Batel and Chapel’s spots, given that we obviously know she’s going to live.

    • They keep giving Jenna Mitchell lines! FREE MITCHELL! Give that actreess a cast credit, cowards!

    • Ah, a good old fashioned beam into the sky.

    • Oh, look, a Gornzooky!

    • And… vaporized.

    • More Gornzookies!

    • Oh my god, it’s young Scotty. Hopefully this means Keenser is there. I always loved Keenser and his ability to sit on things he isn’t supposed to.

    • Doesn’t seem like Keenser is there :(

    • Of course Scotty would engineer a way to save people. He truly is a miracle worker.

    • Smashing a piece of space debris is a very… brilliant idea.

    • Pelia continuing to harass Una for her poor academics in engineering.

    • Why do I get the feeling that whatever plan Spock has to put the rockets on the hull will also allow him to check for survivors?

    • Wow, imagine that, Chapel is alive! Imagine that! Whoever would have thought! (Seriously they should have flip-flopped her and Batel if they were going to do this)


    • Oh, now she grabs the spacesuit. Although I guess she didn’t need it yet.



    • That looks like a bigger Gorn. An adult? Or at least like a teenager.

    • So incredibly Alien.


    • Oh shit, she’s been impregnated with gornzookies. A very zombie movie trope.

    • “There’ll be time later.” Before or after you get engaged to Dr. Korby?

    • “We need to abort some Gornzookies.”

    • Yeah, Scotty would be a shitty student despite being brilliant.


    • TO BE CONTINUED?!?!!?! Okay, who wants to drive to Hollywood and personally beat up some billionaires? I want this strike over NOW and I want a conclusion WITHIN A YEAR, A YEAR AND A HALF MAX!

  • Thoughts/Observation as I watch:

    • Where will this stand in the long history of Star Trek gimmick episodes? After all, this is the franchise that gave us “Trials and Tribble-ations”, “Take Me Out To The Holosuite”, “In a Mirror, Darkly”, the OG “Lower Decks”, and most recently… “Those Old Scientists”. Holy shit, that was just two episodes ago and in between we got the darkest Star Trek thing in years!

    • Uhura having to be the operator sounds like the most stressful thing to do that doesn’t involve imminent danger.

    • “Even if it’s not fully necessary.” That basically sums up every contrivance to get Kirk on board.


    • Ah, spatial distortions, the cause and solution to everything.

    • The facial acting as they enter musical-land is priceless.

    • Acapella theme song!

    • “So… that happened.”

    • “Quantum uncertainty field”. That’s some Hitchiker Guide type stuff.

    • Ah, they brought back the Gilbert and Sullivan stuff.

    • I like how they are hanging a lampshade on just how BIZARRE it is that people sing out their biggest secrets and deepest feelings in musicals.

    • Good save, La’An.

    • “Surprisingly beautiful baritone”

    • It could have been worse for the crew. Imagine if Uhura had broadcast opera into it, then they’d ALWAYS be singing.

    • Shaxs would suggest blowing it up by ejecting the warp core.

    • Gratuitous zero-gee is gratuitous.

    • Oh god, singing Klingons.

    • Yeah, the Klingons would also like the “let’s just blow it up” plan.

    • Wait were those extras twins?

    • Apparently the improbability field also affects the lighting of the bar.

    • Isn’t K’tinga the later type of Klingon ship? Ah, screw it, musical rules.

    • “I don’t love rules but I think you’re about to break a big one.”

    • This totally is going into Temporal Investigations Kirk file.


    • Oh shit, David Marcus reference!

    • “I’m the Ex” standing as if X in a math question is a good bit of workplay.

    • Kind of surprised it took this long to give Celia Rose Gooding a full-on solo.

    • Grammy-Award winning singer!

    • A grand finale. How meta!

    • Boy Band Klingons was not on my bingo card.

    • Lol, playing the TOS theme as a curtain-closer

    • “You sang about lying to me.”

    • “Sorry, Earworm.”

    • All-and-all, it was a good enough gimmick episode. But it was no “Take Me Out To The Holosuite.” (“DEATH TO THE OPPOSITION!”)

  • Random thoughts as I watch (cross-posted from the old place):

    • Wow, first that outburst, and then Spock jams too much. Truly in his wild child phase.

    • BTW, was that a Denobulan?

    • Pelia totally worried that this whole utopia thing just a passing trend. And hilariously having to prove (?) she isn’t a thief.

    • They really are taking advantage of Babs O’s Jiu-Jitsu training this year, aren’t they?

    • Captain James T. Kirk, the greatest menace of Temporal Investigations!

    • Oh boy, alternate timeline where the Federation doesn’t exist time!

    • “Maple leaves, politeness, poutine.”

    • Clever distraction.

    • I wonder if 3D chess is a thing in the United Earth Fleet timeline, because Kirk is good at the 2D in it.

    • Okay, I guess they do have 3D Chess.

    • I generally try not to be like this… but goddamn I’d like to thank them for having Christina Chong in various states of tight clothing and undress.

    • Good thing the time travel guy went to the ship Sam Kirk was on.

    • Oh man, I was looking forward to driving across Lake Ontario to Toronto (presumably from Rochester or Buffalo or something, right?), which totally would be a logical economic and engineering choice, I’m sure!

    • Mildly annoyed that Kirk doesn’t drive to Beastie Boys.

    • James Discreet Kirk

    • Soongs gonna break in even to the timelines and series they aren’t in.

    • Jim Discretion Kirk


    • We have gone (zero) days without Romulans trying to screw up the timeline.

    • Probably the first time that DuckDuckGo has been mentioned in Star Trek.

    • Yeah, Pythagoras is the worst, Pelia.

    • Oh, so this is a predestination paradox where they make her become an engineer and as a result she is there to inspire La’An to go look for her later.

    • KHAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! KHAAAAANNNNNNNNN! (Or at least the institute for him)

    • To be fair, this is like the third face that Captain Kirk has had.

    • We have gone (ZERO) days without a time-travelling Romulan that had to ditch the ears.

    • We have gone (ZERO) days without (a) Captain Kirk dying. We’re three-for-three on Kirk actor deaths, folks!



    • Face to face with great-great-great-great grandpa Baby Genetics-Hitler.

    • Oh, great, temporal investigations. No wonder they hate Kirk so much, even his alternate versions screw stuff around.

    • Good ep. Way better than it sounded when I first heard about it.