• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I emulate a lot of old games on my Steam Deck. It’s not too hard, but requires some work. I will do the work for non-Steam stores if/when there is something I want to play from one. However, I suspect not releasing your games on Steam will really limit your reach. My guess is that most people won’t go through the effort to get itch.io games work on thier Deck.

  • This is something that I fear as well. However, it is worth remembering that the US has failed in many of its military interventions around the world. No amount of tools and weapons helped the US win in twenty years in Afghanistan. NATO’s proxy war in Ukraine is failing too. These wars show that a dedicated population can beat all of the technology in the world. Revolutionary movements do always have to be vigilant about be surveilled. New technologies provide a lot of surface area for states to monitor resistance groups. However, states have always had a lot of success with the simplist means of surveillance: just paying someone to join a resistance group and report everything they see. I am no expert on any of this and I’m sure someone here knows much more, but it seems to me that the strategy of revolution is the same as in Lenin’s time. However, groups always have to update their tactics to keep up with material conditions and abilities of the state. Don’t give up hope! We can do this!

  • It’s a good show. I just finished it. As for the politics of it, the show isn’t Marxist despite its anger at the super rich.

    The show makes a number of mistakes in its analysis of the world. Firstly, it acts as though the problems of Capitalism began in the 1980s. We know that Capitalism has always been horrific. The show also falls for the Great Men Fallacy. At one point we see all of the the bad, rich people who run the world in a room together. Capitalism is more pervasive than that. The guy who owns a fast-food franchise is just as much a Capitalist as a CEO. These mistakes work for the themes of the show, however. It is a show about hacking and conspiracies. In reality, a group of super hackers can’t expose the big bads who rule the world and steal their money, but it does make for an entertaining show.