Buh-bye, Reddit!
Buh-bye, Reddit!
No shit they didn’t. And they never have. Because it was called the Gulf of Mexico before Mexico as a nation existed. It was called that because it was named after the Valley of Mexico, which was part of New Spain at the time the Gulf was named. Mexico as a country didn’t exist until centuries later.
Maybe actually read the history of this before deciding this is about anyone other than Trump claiming ownership of that gulf.
Unfortunately, it is. It doesn’t help that she dresses in punk clothes and is neurodivergent either.
As for where, Blackburn, but only temporarily while I look for work. I’m looking all over Britain while staying in a VRBO (sort of like AirBnB). The weather compared to Indiana right now is amazing. In Indiana, the low next week will be -16C. I can actually walk around outside here.
I’m farsighted and have an astigmatism, so I have to read with glasses, and maybe that’s the issue, but I just held my Clara really close to my face and I don’t notice any screen door effect.
Indiana. Also known as The Middle Finger of the South.
I did not say in China. Google Maps says “Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)” in most of the world. It sure is here in Britain.
Also, calling the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America is a clear claim of ownership.
We emigrated here (three weeks ago) because my daughter is gay and it’s just safer for her here. And every time I find out about something like this, or Scotland making queer history part of its standard school curriculum, it just makes me feel even better about it.
People keep telling me I made the wrong choice of countries to go to. I’m sure there are better options out there. This is still so, so, so much better than what she is used to. Her self-confidence about being in a place where people are actually willing to not just accept her for who she is, but treat her as just another person, has gone from zero to I don’t know what. Enough to actually go out and make friends and have a social life.
I was talking about Google kissing Trump’s ass. Which is why this is happening.
It takes an act of congress to rename a domestic post office. Google has taken his executive order and decided it’s true for everyone, at least parenthetically.
The Kobo Clara Color’s screen doesn’t look any different to me with non-color eBooks than their non-color version. The only thing that’s really different is that the book cover you see when it’s powered off is in color. Now I will admit that e-ink color is not very good, but it doesn’t ruin the experience of reading just a regular book.
100%. I have always pirated, but the amount of things I pirated went way, way down when Netflix had a decent library of things to watch and was affordably priced.
Technically, official Kobo books are KEPUB, which is their own proprietary version of EPUB they use for their store, but they can read EPUB and other formats just fine. And if they don’t, Calibre solves that problem.
(Converting books to KEPUB is sometimes worth it, especially if they have illustrations mixed in with the text, because then you are able to do things more easily like zoom in to the image on the reader.)
I have a Clara Color (it was like $10 more for the color version and it gives me a pretty screen when it’s powered off) and I absolutely love it. I was not a fan of ebooks until I got it. Turns out what I was not a fan of was all the other ebook readers I tried. I’m reading books on it more frequently than I ever read physical books.
You can download and keep countless ebooks from https://annas-archive.org/
That said, there’s a pretty good chance the landfill owner and all their employees have been ransacking that place to beat him to it.
They aren’t because, as I said, they can’t do it. And even if they found it, they couldn’t keep it.
And the landfill owner is the local government.
How old are you that 20 years is not so long?
And also, why does that matter that it’s not so long? Have you even bothered noticing all the damage Trump has done in under a month?
His administration just fired a bunch of people responsible for keeping U.S. nuclear weapons secure without knowing what their jobs were.
Less than one month.
I want to know how many of the people here defending Google’s decision would be okay with Google labeling Taiwan as “Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)” for people in Taiwan and also the rest of the world.
China calls Taiwan “Chinese Taipei.” Should Google Maps show “Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)” on maps? Because I don’t see how that would be China’s call any more than the name of the Gulf would be Trump’s call.
This is what I see in England. Why should I have to see what Trump thinks the Gulf’s name is when it wasn’t renamed here?
It’s not about harm. It’s about kissing Trump’s ass on something he doesn’t actually get to decide to stay on his good side.
“Mount McKinley” is “just a name” for what is supposed to be called Denali. Ask an indigenous person if they think changing the name of a sacred mountain to the name of a man responsible for one of them many genocides of their people is “just a name.”
Then ask virtually any black person if they don’t care about Trump and Republicans restoring Confederate generals’ names to military bases. Find out if they think it’s “just a name.”
Names have power and I’m amazed you don’t realize that.