There are companies doing “cool-sounding” things with AI like Waymo. “Good” would require more definition.
There are companies doing “cool-sounding” things with AI like Waymo. “Good” would require more definition.
If they can convince the money hose that they just need one more OOM of compute bro, they can keep vacuuming infinity dollars. The incentive is obviously there for any amount of lying, but at some point, I assume even the most braindead investors will start asking around if this really is the only game in town.
Or maybe they won’t, which would be an admission against the core tenet of capitalism, but this has been a crazy year, and it’s only january. :/
https://www.wheresyoured.at/deep-impact/ And the companion piece on his blog.
What I didn’t wager was that, potentially, nobody was trying. My mistake was — if you can believe this — being too generous to the AI companies, assuming that they didn’t pursue efficiency because they couldn’t, and not because they couldn’t be bothered.
This isn’t about China — it’s so much fucking easier if we let it be about China — it’s about how the American tech industry is incurious, lazy, entitled, directionless and irresponsible. OpenAi and Anthropic are the antithesis of Silicon Valley. They are incumbents, public companies wearing startup suits, unwilling to take on real challenges, more focused on optics and marketing than they are on solving problems, even the problems that they themselves created with their large language models.
I must’ve read the words “Jevon’s Paradox” a hundred times today, I didn’t realize that many people had their livelihood predicated on NVidia going to the moon forevermore.
I’ve been struggling with what the appropriate level of engagement for all the tech shit is.
I can stick to making fun of the AI crap and whatever else the tech people shit out because it’s tangible for me, and I can more or less be an effective gatekeeper for my community, but the problems go beyond just a bunch of rich tech weirdos floating bad ideas, it’s what they’re trying to paper over. The fact that they’re incompetent at it is very funny, but I’ve been laughing with gritted teeth for too long.
They understand that all of the major model providers is doing it, but since the major model providers are richer than they are, they can’t possibly ask OpenAI and friends to stop, so in their heads, it is what it is and therefore must be allowed to continue.
Or at least, that’s my face value read of it, I certainly hope I’m simplifying things too much.
The conspiracy theorist who lives in my brain wants to say its intentional to make us more open to blatant cheating as something that’s just a “cost of doing business.” (I swear I saw this phrase a half dozen times in the orange site thread about this)
The earnest part of me tells me no, these guys are just clowns, but I dunno, they can’t all be this dumb right?
We’re like 3 steps removed from the iq dickmeasurers moving from measuring skulls to comparing PoE builds.
I don’t even know if I’m joking here, what the fuck are these people doing.
The computation seems to be generating a uniformly random set and picking a sample of it. I can buy that it’d be insanely expensive to do this on a classical computer, since there’s no reasonable way to generate a truly random set. Feels kinda like an unfair benchmark as this wouldn’t be something you’d actually point a classical computer at, but then again, that’s how benchmarks work.
I’m not big in quantum, so I can’t say if that’s something a quantum computer can do, but I can accept the math, if not the marketing.
tfw the Holy Book (Atlas Shrugged) was misinterpreted.
It’s also just less effective this time around. Everyone’s afraid of being poor, capitalism as it exists functions based on that, so there’s a strong emotion that gets people wrapped up with the NFT hype train.
It’s a lot less convincing to go “Have fun being as productive as you are right now, loser.”, at least without also going mask off and sounding like a supervillain.
Chat-GPT-TFSD-21guns can have a little anthropomorphism, as a treat.
This is somehow even sadder than “I have depicted you as the wojak”.
“I contracted the least efficient computer possible to depict myself as the chad, therefore I win.”
It’s the imbalance of power. No one wants to be the gatekeeper at the local game store telling the 12 year old kid “Sorry, you can’t play your Spongebob deck here tonight”, whereas as the ones printing the cards, they can be gatekeepers of “Sorry, you can’t play your deck without the One Ring here tonight” off of the basis of “normal” power creep.
Skimming the reddit thread in search of general public sentiment about this, but unfortunately mostly just found a greatest hits compilation of very gross comments.
According to these very smart people, parents should expect your teenager to die as an outcome of not being perfect people 24/7, technology can never be at fault even when it literally tells you to commit suicide in coded language, and it’s actually impossible to understand which parts of society are causing kids to be depressed, so we must take it as a given that we can’t do anything about it. I regret having done this to myself.
Now I wonder if Musk calling the diver “pedo guy” was him thinking “yeah, this is exactly what Tony Stark would say to the bad guy” because he doesn’t understand media literacy even a little bit. (More likely, it’s just him being the regular type of weird we’ve come to expect from him)
Meta’s happy to give away models for free, so models are evidently worth $0.
You’re correct that I can’t stop them from making pants on head stupid decisions, but I’m not going to stop making fun of them.
very likely making it economically viable…
They’re going to fund currently economically nonviable nuclear plants to power their currently economically nonviable genAI schemes? Over the time horizon of 25 years a decade (edit: misread the article) before they scale up energy capacity at all past the rnd stage? Maybe pants on head is too generous.
“ChatGPT is good, but only if no one in a position of authority uses it”
My big robot is really expensive to build.
If big robot parts become cheaper, I will declare that the big robot must be bigger, lest somebody poorer than me also build a big robot.
My robot must be made or else I won’t be able to show off the biggest, most expensive big robot.
QED, I deserve more money to build the big robot.
P.S. And for the naysayers, just remember that that robot will be so big that your critiques won’t apply to it, as it is too big.