Mathematics student who upon completion of his degree was ripped from the university’s caring bosom and cast into the ghastly cold world of employment

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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2021


  • This is correct, but it’s not like there is ever a contradiction between mathematical and dialectical methods. Natural scientists only prefer to work with mathematics because their subject is benign enough to admit mathematical descriptions yielding precise, quantitative results, while social scientists need dialectics because their mathematical models suffer from crippling vagueness and complexity and are quickly outdated. Where mathematics can describe a system to which dialectics happen to also apply, e.g. phase transitions, it naturally produces models that mirror the dialectic because they both describe the same thing.

  • You are in the midst of committing a category error. Dialectics is the model that describes changing historical, social, and philosophical systems and processes. Analogies from physics are frequently used to explain how dialectics work, but that doesn’t mean dialectics govern physics, only that dialectical thinking has historically been inspired by physical processes.

    The logical role that dialectics fulfills in social science is fulfilled in natural science by mathematics. So rather than taking the dialectical method and filling it with natural objects and laws at random, you should study the mathematical relationships between measurable quantities and interpret the dynamic expressed in the equations governing them. I know you might not want to hear this because mathematics is hard, but the only way to understand the inner workings of gravity is to sit your ass down with a book about general relativity and do the exercises.

  • The better a country becomes at using surveillance technology, the better it also becomes at hiding that it does. Until recently, China has had very little such experience, and thus everything it did was in plain sight. While in the West, intelligence agencies were already watching your moves, listening to your phone calls, and evaluating your metadata through your appliances, you could still see the massive security cameras from the past century on Chinese crosswalks. This is not a question of ideology or economics, every major country and organisation will inevitably try to keep pace as best it can with the evolution of vulnerabilities and threats. The perception of being a surveillance state, on the other hand, depends on the aesthetics of its technology, on the degree that you have the feeling of being stared at by it. Once China replaces the last of its last clunky old cams with more elegant models, citizens and tourists will eventually let go of that perception.

  • HaSch@lemmygrad.mltoshitposting@lemmygrad.mlLol
    24 days ago

    Maybe I’m not American enough to understand this, but how does this get bought? How do you store and cool this big-ass jar once you open it, how do you use it up without getting sick of the stuff, why wouldn’t you just buy it in a tube or a bottle, and why would anyone spend 20 bucks on a condiment?

  • Even if you ignore the unplastered brick wall with the trident hastily slapped on, the uncomfortably tiny glass table without a cloth, the main course being served on a saucer, and the fact that they brought the emissary of their most powerful ally water in plastic bottles and then just left it there, it really speaks to the post-Soviet rebirth of Ukraine’s cultural identity that senior diplomats on state visits are served Italian food

  • Hot take: Even at its height at the end of the 1970s, the Warsaw Pact never stood the shadow of a chance against global capital, neither in terms of weaponry, nor economy, nor geographical extent. Stalin’s legacy was snuffed out long before it could create the conditions necessary for the Eastern Bloc to survive through the brunt of imperialism. The US only panicked about the Soviets because they were pint-sized when all of its previous adversaries were microscopic, and the fact that the USSR survived 35 years after destalinisation can only be credited to the remaining embers of Marxism-Leninism, the brilliancy of its workers, and the uncurable malaise of its enemy.

    If even the Red Army could defeat your splinter ideology, how do you see it faring against global capital?

  • The only way to defuse kids’ timetables is to ensure that mandatory education must continue after you are 18. While the kids are away on summer break, we need to use the empty classrooms to put all the adults to the test, examine their blind spots rigorously and without mercy, and guide them towards fixing their problems. Too many grown adults cannot tell you how vaccines work, where nuclear power comes from, what Linux is, how kimchi tastes, who Henry Kissinger was, or how to read a pie chart. There are 50-year-olds out there right now who can’t read, and cars are being driven by them. The perils emanating from an uneducated working adult are much more vicious, insidious, and dangerous than from an uneducated kid, and it is high time we started paying attention to the threat they pose.

  • It isn’t even bizarre if you consider that every foreign notion that enters the general vicinity of the US is immediately ripped apart and absorbed by a churning maelstrom of confusion and misinformation explicitly designed to prevent the formation of anything resembling coherent political thought. If you want bizarre, look at a Qanon map