• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 9th, 2023


  • Not as much as it used i’d say. They will restrict them from being openly gay and talking about certain stuff but i dont see concentration camps happening any time soon. We are experiencing a new kind of fascism, a progressive fascism which play the same roles of “the civilized world needing to conquer and lecture the uncivilized world”. But this time, “progressive” politicians sprinkle gay rights into the equation where being part of the civillised world means “showing off” your gay rights and inclusivety ,these things by themselves are not wrong but are currently being used as excuses to invade other countries/ finance terrorists/ militants of political opponents. Now, even the “progressive” democrats are using terms and language that Nazis and Colonizers have used to justify their imperialism.

    “they are barbarian and killed each other, therefore we need to intervene”

    “they are bigots and executed each other, therefore we need to intervene”

    It has all the same root.

  • i personally think that western leftists have the responsibility to help the communist cause in the countries they live in even if a revolution is highly unlikely…somebody needs to do the dirty work and if every leftist from the west would immigrate to another country than the chances of socialism will go from 0,01% to a straight zero. It is hell here i agree but i wont use my western privilege to immigrate to Vietnam and abandon the socialists in the west just because i personally cant stand the current politics and want to immediately live under socialism. That although is my opinion and if you really want to live elsewhere i wish you all the best and that you will soon have the possibility to do so.

  • but not every western country is a settler colonial regime. They engaged in colonialism and some are engaging in neo-colonialism but the people themselves have not stolen the land they inhabit. You cannot decolonize Portugal from Portuguese people because Portuguese are indigenous to Portugal. But you can decolonize Angola from the Portuguese because the Portuguese colonizers aren’t from Angola. What you mean here is the US, Canada and Israel which are all Settler Colonial countries whose dominating demographic are not from this land but originally from Europe.