French printmaker since 2020 - Hand Carved & Hand printed Sci-fi, science, occult inspired linocuts. Insta & shop here :

  • 22 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Alright, Ive got to ask. How do you get started doing this? I pretty much swore off doing more art, but this stuff gets the mind going.

    Edit. Just looked at your site. Excellent work. Especially for having done such quality pieces in a short time. Kudos

    thank you! i started a little by chance, i had done one or two times in art school but nothing very conclusive and in 2020 i saw on instagram artists that made me want to do it again. i put my last savings in good material (pfeil tools) and i started. the trigger was to find a style around the design of plates pionneer and golden record. I liked it well enough visually and it worked well enough on the networks, so I kept going :) I work quite slowly, producing only one or two a year. in the meantime, I make reeditions in colored ink. but all in all, I don’t know why you stopped making art, but if you like it, I encourage you to get back into it ;)

  • The box you are talking about refers in the form to caustics which designates in optics and mathematics the envelope of light rays undergoing reflection or refraction on a surface or a curve. it is clearly visible above swimming pools in particular. In substance while touching the light it figuratively refers to a kind of ether. Aether, in physics, was a hypothesis that space was filled with an invisible, immaterial substance called “luminiferous aether”. Before the 20th century, scientists believed that light, like sound, had a kissin’ of an environment to propagate. They propagate through the air, where the expected light is thought to propagate through the ether. The only conceptual link is the central vertical part, it represents Feynman’s double slit experiment which illustrates the wave and particle nature of light and subatomic particles. Everything does not necessarily have a link, it is above all a graphic composition although it is partly composed of scientific elements.