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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Not a bird scientist or a bird lawyer, but I can tell you that they know which direction to fly because they have a small amount of magnetite in their brains which they can use as a compass. They also appear to use landmarks like rivers, coastlines, and mountain ranges for more refined directions. As far as how they decide who leads, they just take turns. The lead bird will help break the air for the birds behind them making it easier for them to fly. When the lead bird tires, another will simply switch places with it until the cycle repeats and they get where they want to go.

  • I lost a lot of good friends in my younger days before learning to deal with my social anxiety because I would get so anxious and end up flaking on them. It got so bad I just stopped accepting most invitations to do things and eventually they just stopped inviting me altogether and we slowly drifted apart. Then that fed into depression which would make my anxieties worse and so on so forth until I decided to see a therapist to try and figure out how to deal. So anyway… Relatable.