Reddit refugee. Likes the Agora. Likes classical music. Flight simmer. No life.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • This year’s general election, after all the votes counted, has a

    • Sainte-Laguë index of 48.36, and a
    • Gallagher index of 23.75.

    This makes the (dis)proportionality worse than HUNGARY’s (my home) FPTP component (SLI = 36.96) – a component of the mixed system which allows our ruling party to get 2/3 supermajorities each time, every time, with sometimes less than 50% of the votes, and which ultimately transformed our country to an “electoral autocracy”

    You guys need electoral reform desperately. And do it before someone cheats with the current rules deliberately.

    (PS: I calculated the electoral indices using the python package voting)

  • Here’s the way: look at the little “crack” on the middle of the plug on one side (the vast vast vast majority have one) – that should be facing down. I haven’t used a vertical plug in a while but I think it faces left there.

    For the forsaken anguish of God, microUSB, it’s reversed, so crack up.

  • Donaudampfschiffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft.

    Even more impressive because of it’s unholy pronunciation, the Hungarian „longest” word: ’megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért’


  • wait until you see the immense disproportionality of the Hungarian voting system. MMP sounds nice, but the implementation makes it possible for our beloved leader to lose the popular vote and win 2/3 of the Parliament. 48% to 67% of seats. Lovely, eh? That was 2014. Unfortunately our demagogue brainwasher has now convinced 54% of voters the last time. And he won the exact same 2/3 sup.majority.