I wasn’t familiar with that chain of grocery stores so I looked it up. I found out something kinda funny. Did you know it was originally called C.C. Butts and was founded by Florence Butts?
I wasn’t familiar with that chain of grocery stores so I looked it up. I found out something kinda funny. Did you know it was originally called C.C. Butts and was founded by Florence Butts?
Which antivaxxers - total anti-vaxxers or Covid anti-vaxxers? Or both?
To some extent, it kinda depends on how it’s sweetened, but yeah.
What will the next one be called? The Whale? The Penguin?
No pun intended.
Wow! That’s impressive!
Well, now we know to never buy RGB SSDs.
The open-source stuff is better.
Is it named after the hunchback?
I wish all game companies put out detailed requirements like this!
How do you feel about conservatives?
Which server were you talking about when you said your server has 156GB of RAM?
I know. That’s my point. A great example of this is when they used to brag about how eco-friendly their product were. I remember them bragging about their displays being mercury-free, BFR free, etc and their laptops having totally recyclable aluminum and glass enclosures - only to later deliberately make their laptops nearly impossible to repair and upgrade.
My server has 8GB of RAM and it rarely even gets up to 4GB of actual RAM usage.
They didn’t switch to USB-C out of the goodness of their hearts. They switched because the EU passed a new law that requires that new smartphones have USB-C ports.
Probably because by the time most folks sell their EV’s, they need new batteries, which aren’t cheap and add a lot to the cost of the vehicle. Depending on the EV, the cost of a replacement battery can vary between $5,000 and $20,000.