• 1 Post
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • We even have trouble with cultural shit within our own species! Smiling like that all the time would warn me away and I’m from a culture that generally likes smiling. In our closest living genetic relative, the chimpanzee, a toothy smile means “I’m ready to tear your arm/balls off.”

  • Around 2006, a woman was able to start an account with the local power company with my SSN and name. She said she was my girlfriend and was setting it up for me. I know this because the person setting up the account made a note of it at the time. She ran it up over $300 and then let them close it. I didn’t find out about it until a few years later when I had to set up electric in my name (lived with roommates from 2002 until like 2016). They told me they wouldn’t start a new account until I paid what I owed.

    I don’t think this is possible anymore, but even at the time it’s unbelievable that it was allowed.

  • That’s an important part of it. Let’s say half of it. I’d say the other half is zero-sum thinking about literally everything. If they see someone receiving help, their brain is screaming at them that those resources could have gone to them instead. I think it presents more as a strong feeling of moral right and wrong. They will never understand equity when their brain is tuned so badly wrong.