I was diagnosed last year. I’m 41. I wondered what the hell was “wrong with me” my entire life. Meds help but this shit sucks.
I was diagnosed last year. I’m 41. I wondered what the hell was “wrong with me” my entire life. Meds help but this shit sucks.
We even have trouble with cultural shit within our own species! Smiling like that all the time would warn me away and I’m from a culture that generally likes smiling. In our closest living genetic relative, the chimpanzee, a toothy smile means “I’m ready to tear your arm/balls off.”
Have you ever been tested for ADHD? I don’t want to go around diagnosing people but this kind of executive dysfunction is central to it
Do you sometimes agonize on and off for hours over a task that could be done in 30 minutes?
That’s fair. Try alcohol.
If you’re talking about the Superb Owl right now you’re having the wrong conversation.
It’s septic tank not sceptic. I try not to be a dick but you wrote it so many times.
That’s what that means, yes. Worked for me though.
Trump and Elon are going to crash the economy. I know the stock market is actually based on rich people vibes, but I can’t see it not tanking at some point, quite possibly soon. I took all the money I had saved for a down payment on a house out of the market on Tuesday.
It’s happened twice to me, I’m now 41. I was able to get it resolved both times but it was not easy and in the first case seriously hurt my credit score for seven years.
When you die your social is reused and assigned to someone else eventually.
This is not true, but often repeated. From SSA
This has happened many times. In the last city I lived in, a man went in to have a leg amputated and they got the wrong one, so he ended up with zero legs.
At one point in the campaign JD Vance suggested that people with children should get more votes than childfree people. I’m certain he, and many others, would be down for that.
Banks and nations. Saudi Arabia was a big contributor. I wonder why a theocratic dictatorship would want influence over a worldwide free speech platform?
That’s so fucking clever, I love it.
Around 2006, a woman was able to start an account with the local power company with my SSN and name. She said she was my girlfriend and was setting it up for me. I know this because the person setting up the account made a note of it at the time. She ran it up over $300 and then let them close it. I didn’t find out about it until a few years later when I had to set up electric in my name (lived with roommates from 2002 until like 2016). They told me they wouldn’t start a new account until I paid what I owed.
I don’t think this is possible anymore, but even at the time it’s unbelievable that it was allowed.
Altavista was the shit when it came out. My classmates and friends were surprised at how quick I was getting answers or general information. Altavista, that’s it. If you’re using Ask Jeeves or Yahoo you’re going to have a hard time.
I can’t remember how I found out about it, but it’s what I used until Google came out. Anyone know if they were the first to use web crawlers like that or did they just popularize the concept?
That’s an important part of it. Let’s say half of it. I’d say the other half is zero-sum thinking about literally everything. If they see someone receiving help, their brain is screaming at them that those resources could have gone to them instead. I think it presents more as a strong feeling of moral right and wrong. They will never understand equity when their brain is tuned so badly wrong.
I cannot believe that another Mario brother hasn’t stepped up to the plate.
Signal literally couldn’t give away your communications if they wanted to, everyone who disagrees with the way things are going should be using it.