ear ear!
ear ear!
I switched to Lawnchair from Nova and haven’t looked back…
🦘💨💨 Captain Clorox will save you
🥒 🚗 definitely the pickle car 😅
Well done, might be a small job to some but nice to be able to put your hands to create something you can use.
That does help me better with understanding situation. thankyou
I’ll just have to keep saying “I’m not sure why” with the mother-in-law though 😅😁
(using Firefox with add-ons no issue with advertising)
So this is insider outsiders?! If they win how will they treat everyone outside of the party.
Line them up and do what😬
Because I have lived/travelled to US numerous times now my 92 yr old mother-in-law continuously asks me "Why do Americans adore Trump?
Any help with providing an answer that will make sense would be greatly appreciated.
As soon as we finish swimming…
I just want to know who the traitor politician is?
Leads = Approximately fuck all 🥱 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-02-29/giant-game-of-cluedo-breaks-out-in-halls-of-democracy/103529058?utm_source=abc_news_app&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_campaign=abc_news_app&utm_content=other
Bloody hell you squishy little bastard always here for me, kills me to know you’re always here…
and that is the perfect response to Dumps “peek-a-boo” shit
Didn’t she claim all the bullshit already?!
and a brain 🧠
nicely done, vocals do justice to original version
Trailer Swift Shit Stains
bloody annoying and ugly
early compensation claim for pain & suffering, maybe
Mad Titan Sports add-on