You know it’s bad for Reddit when people were even talking about going back to Digg
“Please subscribe to continue operating your vehicle”
What’s the problem, it seems to be appropriately sized for Little Marco
You can’t datamine everyone and sell it off as completely as you can with an app running locally on the device. Browser apps are far less profitable across the board. It’s all about money.
If the standard is replicating human level intelligence and behavior, making up shit just to get you to go away about 40% of the time kind of checks out. In fact, I bet it hallucinates less and is wrong less often than most people you work with
The movie wasn’t very good either
To be fair, American democracy was replaced with corporate Government a long long time ago.
Yes and there was nothing really worth saving. Throw it all away and start over. It’s fine.
A few years ago, everyone was wondering when Reddit would have its Digg moment
It’s more than just SQL. Social Security Numbers can be re-used over time. It is not a unique identifier by itself.
Curb Your Enthusiasm theme starts playing
Fixing all the shit AI breaks is going to create a lot of jobs