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Joined 26 days ago
Cake day: August 20th, 2024


  • “Supply-Side”

    Lmao. Shit take instantly disregarded. Try again when you Google the number of empty houses vs the number of unhoused people.

    Treat a necessity as a commodity, then as an investment. This is the outcome. (Potable water is next, couple more decades) The entire system of housing is corrupted by greed and sunk cost. Maintained by an avaricious banking industry and defended by pseudohumans widely known as Nimbys.

  • What im doing is using my leverage to its greatest effect.

    Dems move right. They’ll lose. Proven track record. They think they’ll turn Republicans. But they won’t. They’ll turn a few comfortable fence sitters who would be fine either way. But no real numbers. And definitely not those motivated by cultural grievance.

    Wait and see. They’ll move right. Get almost no Republicans. And lose the liberals out near succdem territory. Left of that was already gone. We have hard demands. Like Universal Healthcare, ending the genocide in Gaza. Small asks, you know. But they’re not asks, they’re demands. Red lines. And we like unions on this side. We’re used to holding the line. We do not caper and simp for politicians. They come to where we are, or they can fuck off.

    Now by all means. Unleash your impotent fury upon me. Tell me how I am all manner of villain and don’t forget to tell me about how I’m helping chump win. Do not forget the finger wagging. Not one wag.

    You know. I was going to vote for her at one point. I was going to suspend my demands after she “snubbed” Netanyahu immediately after Joe stepped down. But then came the mixed messages and hem hawing on LITERAL FUCKING GENOCIDE. Then the DNC. Where she let AIPAC dictate that no, a Palestinian American could not give a pre-screened speech at the DNC. That sealed it. I, me, myself. Will never compromise on genocide. That’s not a line. That’s a cliff. There is no circumstance in which I will support or give my vote to anyone who would support a genocide. Doesn’t matter where. That they’re ok with it at all is the ultimate indictment on them. I don’t care about pragmatism or geopolitics. There are many things in this world that run a spectrum of grey, this is not one of those. This is black and white. Good and evil. And if both candidates are fine with it then this country is lost. And deserves whatever ill fate befalls it.

    Edit - Pretty much Harris’ only hope is that enough Republican women will secretly vote for her against the wishes of their husbands and church leaders. Which is possible. But not guaranteed. But Harris needs to lean on Roe hard. She should be throwing bills right now. Even if they’re doomed. Force them through. Force the Republicans on the record. And use those votes as ammunition. It’s really too bad that dems only know how to play politics when it comes to crushing dissent from within.