• 4 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2024

  • I live in NYC, I have never personally done this but I know people who have struggled, and the best thing is to maybe not dress in a suit but your nicest clothes, showered, and groomed enough so people think you’re middle class plus going through one unique moment of poverty and not someone chronically poor… and just go to a food place (not a restaurant, somewhere that sells food… deli, grocery store, maybe even a food cart) ideally in a nice neighborhood. Ask to see the manager or ideally the owner (since they have way more leeway than employees) and without giving this huge sob story, politely ask for food.

    They will almost never say no, and in fact you might get lucky and be given a month’s worth of food. It sucks that we have more sympathy for a moment of difficulty for the better off than a lifetime of suffering for the poor but here we are. It reminds me of the state Senator in Wisconsin or Michigan or wherever arguing against free food in schools because kids that don’t get enough sustenance in their youth have a lifetime of reduced intelligence and even charisma and if they gave every kid food, “we’d have no mechanics or bricklayers!”.

  • A conversation with an actual higher up in the American DoD that I know in my personal life has succinctly stated that the US is in a bind that really doesn’t seem capable of overcoming. The power of the US is the dominance of the US dollar, which allows the US to buy actual goods and services with pieces of paper that is printed out of thin air.

    When the American Empire overstretched itself trying unsuccessfully to crush Korea and Vietnam, the gold standard became impossible to maintain. Then it decided it could just maintain the petrodollar… but that would mean that Israel, Saudi Arabia and to a lesser degree the other bribed petrostates have to stay in the US’s power bubble. Western Asia/North Africa (commonly known as “The Middle East”) needs to stay poor, crushed and divided to keep oil prices cheap and sold exclusively in US dollars.

    What is happening is that Israel and Saudi Arabia were fine allies for the American Empire when the US was strong but as its power is waning, its becoming increasingly impossible to keep Israel and Saudi Arabia content with just being an American pawn knowing that the US needs them so desperately. The truth is that it’s inevitable that Israel, that is openly a belligerent fascist state is going to drag the US into a WW3 scenario, because they know that if their neighbors aren’t annihilated they will inevitably go the way of Rhodesia and apartheid South Africa… there were some voices in those nations who also advocated for broad African genocide but they lacked the hard and soft power to do it.

    Israel is a Western cultured and loyal ally of the US willing to do whatever Uncle Sam needs in the region, now other than peace, in the MOST important region for American power. The US’s back is against the wall and CANNOT abandon Israel no matter how much world and domestic upheaval is against them.

    Israel will spell the end of American power.

    Edit: Which is why neither Kamala nor Donald can promise anything on Israel, the CIA would rather kill them… if Empire was Chess and the US is the King… Israel is the Queen. They’re basically early USA.

  • Because most Americans have been fooled into thinking that all possible scenarios in politics are found by the two parties, as right as humanly possible are the Republicans and left as humanly possible are the Democrats with “moderates”* in between…

    So any attack on Kamala means that you are literally MAGA.

    • “American moderates” tend to know absolutely nothing whatsoever about politics. These people don’t even watch the news or follow politics at all but usually vote because they’re bored or some misplaced feeling of civic duty.