As a foreigner I am surprised it took this long. Will likely not lessen the support for Trump, but nearly nothing will at this point.
As a foreigner I am surprised it took this long. Will likely not lessen the support for Trump, but nearly nothing will at this point.
Olives, maize, and tortilla flatbread. He went mental when these were present.
Tal for dig selv, Røvfirkant!
You sound like a poor piece of shit /sarcasm
Well, I’ve always been more of a proud browser agnostic, but I must confess my digital sins have often led me down the path of chrome and safari. But preach dear missionary, can Firefox truly offer redemption from the purgatory of endless updates and privacy woes?
Kan ikke sige meget om det, men min kæreste har en billig en som blev købt for en del år siden. Mit indtryk fra hvad hun har sagt, så er det meste hyped fordi det er gået fra at være målrettet autister til nu den brede befolkning.
Hvis man da også kigger på så koster de jo også gerne 10-20 dollars Per tæppe plus diverse omkostninger, så det er bare om at finde det billigste indenfor det man foretrækker. De kommer nok fra de samme steder alligevel.
Som tommelfingerregel vælg et tæppe på 6-10 pct af din kropsvægt. Jo mindre rum desto bedre generelt, da det giver en mere jævn fordeling. Vælg en ret let en hvis det skal være en sommerdyne. Det kan godt tage lidt tid helt at vende sig til det.
High Intelligence, could most likely become a Mensa member. Incredible emotionally crippled by being bullied, early verbal/speech issues, been in a lots of fights, had motivation issues through university. Doing quite fine now career-wise after changing to IT and saw immediate appreciation for my faculties, but still a emotional mess, though I have a tolerant girlfriend.
Many first unpopular opinion, which seems to be not unpopular anymore was in 7th grade (approximately 13-14 years old) we had a project week about drugs. I was the only one who said that I actually thought drugs should be legal. That was 20 years ago.
Other than that the closest thing to an unpopular opinion is that I sort of think arranged marriage between people in, e.g. the west and Thailand is ok IF the marriage also include empowerment clauses, e.g. full support for the woman to study or whatever she values. Also, there should be some beneficial exit clauses. It is sad that the women find these arrangement/arrange marriage beneficial, but as long as they do I support their desperate attempt to better their life. And yes I do know of some examples - both very good and bad.
Not knowing the law in the US I guess it is fully legal. Given that there is no union or chain responsibility in the supply chain or similar to GDPR in EU you guys are fucked until someone abuse the system one way or another.
On the other hand it shows work from home is feasible even with these kind of things.