Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.

  • 1 Post
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • Hi, gender is a spectrum and while I fully identify as male and straight*, I had long hair as a child. If my school had tried to cut my hair by force, I would have absolutely thrown hands, and I was not a small child. Apparently I pushed a teacher into a wall as a first grader but I have no memory of doing so.

    Hair is not “gender conforming” unless you’re the most vanilla, thinks-flour-is-spicy, “mayonnaise has too much flavor” basic bitch in the universe. If you really think hair has two genders “long and short” then you are just the saddest sack of shit.

    Hair is whatever the fuck you want it to be. I decided I didn’t want long hair anymore, so I started getting it cut short. I even had it around 1/4in at one point just because of how easy it was to be done with. Now it’s long because before I got married, my now-wife said she liked when it was longer, so I’m growing it out again until we decide it’s long enough or I get tired of it again. If I wanted to shave most of it right now, I can do that. Nobody controls my hair but me, and nobody has any say in how I keep it, short of safety concerns. (protip: hair ties and a hair net when working with rotary tools, once you’ve seen a video you never want it to happen to you)

    Get the fuck out of here with this weak ass bullshit policing children’s hair.

    They won’t be happy until everyone is a straight white silent and obedient clone of each other.

    *It’s a spectrum, sometimes I want to feel pretty so if you had to stick me in a hole I’d say I’m straight but I’m sure someone could make a convincing argument that I’m at least a little fluid.

  • I know just enough about Linux to know I should have been getting into it when I graduated over a decade ago.

    I also know just enough to know it can do pretty much everything I need, as long as I’m willing to switch to a Linux alternative with similar capabilities.

    However, I am Linux-dumb and deeply set into my windows, to the point where I’m not sure I have the technical savvy to switch.

    From my understanding, Linux works very well, as long as you know what you’re doing.

    I’m sure I’m overestimating the learning curve but it’s still intimidating.