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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Cpa worked good but made me depressed and suicidal so i switched. Spiro worked fine but smells weird and you should avoid potassium iirc. Never took bica before i went on monotherapy.

    Drink more water if you have to continue being an alcoholic. For every beer or “drink”'s worth of alcohol, try to drink like 8oz of plain water. You’ll be drunk as a fish and you can still enjoy your depression shakes, but also hydrated so your skin won’t be as shit, your brain won’t be as shriveled, and you’ll smell less bad. So if you want to down a fifth or something stupid, you have to mix it with 135oz of water to drink it. A lot of people’s health problems and age rates are from UV damage, malnourishment, and dehydration, and alcohol is a diuretic.

    I know it’s kind of a chicken/egg sitch, but you should do everything you can to chase happiness and know yourself better before you expire. I think you deciding to transition is proof that you’re already doing that and you should believe in yourself rather than berate yourself for somebody else’s malice and choice to steal. I believe in you and know you can do it. Keep going, onwards and upwards.

  • Make a SWOT analysis for each option. Quantify EVERYTHING you can into personally objective and subjective values. Then A/B all of those values against each other. Then sleep on it, ask other people, and then return to the SWOT tables and try to add and simplify.

    If you still have troubles after that, try to figure out what about either choice you don’t know, and work to find it out with footwork and socializing, asking pointed questions, and paying attention to the things you want in life about people.

    If that still doesn’t tip the scale, it’s probably because you don’t know enough about something else, probably yourself.

  • 100%, music. Get on a music service (not a video service like YouTube) and go listen to genres of music that feel good.

    Music that you liked when you were 13
    When you were 21, music that reminds you of the good times
    Or music that fits how you feel…

    Seriously, don’t underestimate the power of music. It’s literally like magic and has the power to heal, inspire, distract, inform, validate, remind, transport, stimulate, numb, etc… I became a musician because I wanted to help people through hard times and to be better people, because I realized how powerful and important it is.

    Go try old stuff, too, like bob dylan. Or go listen to Linkin Park again like it’s 2003. Or go listen through the entire nutcracker suite by Tchaikovsky (i suggest looking for the decca phase 4 London festival orchestra worth robert sharples that was recorded in the 60s https://youtu.be/S7VrwRJ4t-Y?si=cmLUTdUAmg2jw7kr i think it’s the one, I’m not sure on my phone where it is on spotify). Or if you want to listen to the same song over and over and that feels good to you, then that’s what you should be doing.

    Just keep searching and following the good feelings and don’t give up, like trying new sexual stuff and not trying for a specific outcome but allowing yourself to be in the moment and feel then sensations.

    And feel your feelings. Just find someplace safe, get a good sound source, and let it all rip… if you feel like crying, cry. If you feel like being mad, be mad. You have to actually process your feelings.

    A wise man once said to me, “there’s no bad music, only bad timing”. If it feels off or wrong, just switch it. It takes courage to try something different sometimes, though, so try not sweat it too much either way, and just remember to breathe.

  • I’ve been thinking a lot about this for the past few years, and have noticed a trend in what games I’ve found to be actually good.

    I noticed three very specific commonalities, and all of them have at least two:

    • Foreign (Non-American)
    • Indie
    • Small studio

    Basically all of the good games that I’ve liked in the past ten years have been at least two of these, and I’m sure if you think about it, the great games you’ve played have also been this way.

    Stop buying big US studio games, their shareholders all require them to maximize their income with really anti-comsumer and predatory designs and practices. You won’t have fun, and it’ll be expensive.

    Go play EDF5 with some friends. It’s jank but super fun. 6 is being translated and ported to PC soon.

    Raft is great, too.

    Talos Principle was fantastic, if not a little melancholy.

    And weirdly, Minecraft Java is still good fun. Go check out some of the mod packs like All Of Fabric 6. Host a local server, port forward, play with friends. Literally world-class, free content made by grassroots, passionate developers who do it because they love it.

    Valheim was great years ago, and while their development cycle is slow, it’s been solid.

    But seriously. When somebody refers or suggests a game to you, the first thing you should look at are how they make money, because that is ABSOLUTELY where the industry is at, and has been for a decade now. We used to have centralized talking heads like Total Biscuit who would bring up topics and discussions trying to keep these studios and publishers in their place, but he got taken out too early and now the community is ultra fragmented with no central integrous authority to reference and publishers and studios are out of control with nobody to answer to except investors.

    It’s like the loss of a union, except it’s industry wide.

    There are gems out there, but you gotta get past the advertising and learn to smell the bullshit business practices. They don’t have to be standard, but remember that gaming has only turned into gambling and Gaming-as-a-Service (GaaS) because credit cards got involved post-purchase as a source of revenue.

    Sure, good things come from it, but the trade-offs are entirely insidious and clearly motivating for standardized enshittification. We adults made our own graves by accepting and spending. Sure, even if the money isn’t that big of a deal and the content you get might be good, you’re voting with your wallet and training a soulless system.

    It’s ABSOLUTELY a mirror world, just like the media - if you consume, there will be more. Stop buying shit games like Diablo 4. Blizzard can take the hit unfortunately, and if those business practices stopped making as much return as they did, they wouldn’t be supportable.

    Sure, initial prices would go up, but at least the games wouldn’t be ruined with money shops, proprietary currencies, battle passes, and all the other ultra predatory shit that makes them money that ruin gaming.

    Reward creators and studios that stick their necks out to make something purely fun, despite their CFO compromising and forcing their developers to implement these practices because otherwise they’d: “be leaving money on the table, and we are a business, after all.”

    But remember:

    • Foreign
    • Indie
    • Small Studio

    These are demographics that are typically more resistant and empowered to make FUN games.

  • You need to sort out your morals, religion, and philosophy.

    You said you believe being trans is wrong, yet support your lgbt friends. You believe being trans is wrong, yet you are trans? Friend, you need to fix yo shit and start putting that religion bigot nonsense to rest. Find god a different way, realize your understanding was wrong, whatever you gotta do. But you need to settle those conflicts. Have a conversation with yourself or something, do it aloud or online or something, because believing your existence is wrong is a really dark and stupid path.

    And before you fear what you may find: yes, you may realize that a lot of the people you know and the world are really fucked up and seriously stupid.

    But remember: lgbt people have messy lives for a reason and it’s not by their choice, and you are never wrong for existing as your authentic self.

  • 128gb here. I sit constantly between 40 and 70gb in use. Heavy multitasking between Internet, professional, gaming, and creative outlets can sometimes push near 90.

    16 was the pcmr standard in 2010, but is a complete joke now. 32g is the new 8gb now. “Casual” pc usage is way, WAY heavier now: nobody just uses a computer for only one thing anymore, they use it for multi-window browsing, music, and YouTube, along with the new standard of everybody plays games and nobody wants to close shit just to play a game.

    Games are heavierweight and the only reason it’s as low requirement as they are is because of console peasants. CS2 is like 100gb storage, up from the laughable ~2gb in csgo. That’s just not how the world works anymore. The economy has chosen ease of development and priority on graphical fidelity over deep design complexity. Shit; Starfield is basically just a 200gb graphics mod of Morrowind.

    And then you have heavy users like us, who actually use bleeding edge functions, who have grown up wanting better and more, experimenting and not trusting and wanting to pay cloud. Despite the neon gamer rog chrome and black image, I’d be willing to bet almost every person here in this thread has at least one HDD currently in use (take note of these demographics: fediverse, English speaking, pcmr, aware of RAM) - and the reason is because they’re cheap, fairly reliable storage and we all ain’t made of money. Ironic because of the amount of RAM being discussed.

    32GB has been the new 16GB for probably five years, and realistically, 64GB is actually what you should be getting when you upgrade/make a new build.

    Reason: 64GB, right this minute, is one double above “just cutting it”.

  • It’s ACTUALLY a very obvious power exercise.

    You either get filtered out via said “layoff” or wanting to quit, or you’re desperate enough to work for much, much less.

    In the balance of flow of power, the workers were getting too much, so the people in power plus stock market are “abstracting” that whip crack.

    They will remain in power unless a unified front is achieved. Now that I think about this explicitly, I think the solution is actually unionization. Weirdly.

    Just imagine this exact same thing, but imagine if it were factory workers instead: the workers start being happy and comfortable, then a worldwide event makes some really obvious breakthrough that their lives should be even better, and they start ACTUALLY demanding 50% more money, which means your labor is now 90% of your cost rather than 60% - WHERE’S THAT MONEY GONNA COME FROM?? The CEO’s pocket? Not if they can help it. And, there’s pressure from above that 60% labor was already too much, and to get it to 55% by the end of the year because the stock market and the board demand it. So, you need to put those workers in their place; it’s not about one single thing, but your CEO groupchat says that if you claim this and that, and make the workers unhappy again, unify your CEO friends’ front and lay people off, they’ll be desperate and submissive again.

    It’s literally a buyout from above. The CEOs are like the bigger business, making it shitty for everybody, but knowing they can afford to weather it better than the workers, and that it’ll result in a swing of power.

    And… They’re right.

    What do you even do about this? You either organize militaristically and take on a TON of risks, or submit like the greedy, selfish, rat-scab coward you know you are. And that’s what we’re all gonna do until a leader appears, myself included.

    I don’t like it, but I see it for what it is. Widespread ignorance and misplaced ire are against us. This is the American way.

  • I think in this dynamic, Microsoft+XBox has done by far the most damage to gaming, and so has the least amount of karma and trust. Whereas Sony had free, great online multiplayer services on even the PS2, Microsoft quickly ripped off everybody else’s consoles, relied on Halo to sell, has the worst everything, and has pushed the majority of anti-consumer practices in both gaming and the wider technology markets.


    Less infighting, more eating of the rich. Pay the devs, not the landlords. The capitalism system is broken and breaking further. The cost of goods is defined by how much workers need to be paid to make it, and then multiplicatively inflated by how much greed that BILLIONAIRE CLASS wants.

    Government is for the people, by the people, that’s the ONLY reason it exists. People in, and that want to be the billionaire class have declared war on the rest of us, and it’s the government’s sole purpose to protect the well-being and will of the people.

    The government MUST serve the people.

    If it can’t, the highest priority is it MUST be fixed immediately.

    The longer we flail and wait, the more that obviously hostile class of people grow in power and make fixing this a more and more serious issue.

    Like any good leader, if you are failing in your duties, you must self-correct, elect an adequate replacement, or you must be removed, by your own will or by force.

    Because life-time is too precious to waste waiting for the conflict to come to a head and burst.

    That hostile class is doing everything possible to prevent any of this. Calm down, diffuse, obfuscate, confuse, project, gaslight, lie, cheat, steal, destroy, and gain power to RULE above the-will-of-the-people: the government.