• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • If WW3 comes around, and this time Germany gets wiped off the face of the map- honestly, I can’t claim I’d be overly saddened about it at this point. For the innocent Germans yes, but the country honestly has it coming. Time and time again, they never learn; perhaps Morgenthau had it right after all. Perhaps all of the west needs either a decolonization (for those stolen lands with disenfranchised indigenous peoples) or a series of Morgenthau plans writ large. If this leads up to WW3, from whatever ashes remain, I think it’ll have to be the interest of the entire non-western world to ensure exactly that.

  • At this point, the sanctions are doing phenomenal. For Russia, for China, and for BRICS that is… there’s usually a bit of short-term pain, but in turn the rewards are a thousandfold.

    I hope the west tries sanctioning some more (to those who can take it and then some at least, against China and Russia… maybe even India or Turkey as Russian oil-transit countries? 😂 Might hurt me some as well as someone living in an imperial core myself, but the results- the destruction of the imperial economic order, rapidly before our eyes- is just too beautiful, too inspiring all the same.

    Reminds me, recently I was watching Scott Ritter talking on the effects of sanctions on Russia. They had been struggling with the destabilizing, corrupting influence of the oligarchs for so long, for instance. The west dealt with that, basically neutered the oligarchs with their targeted sanctions. 😂 They had been struggling to get domestic investments, with wealth flowing from Russia into the west- the west dealt with that too- suddenly Russia has plenty of capital with nowhere to go but to the people, developments are being built left and right (and not just in the MIC). 😂 NATO basically helped Putin cleanse out the rot the west had encouraged to fester during the years of shock therapy, and as they’re the ones who did it (while showing the entire world their financial systems are not to be trusted) it didn’t take much if any political capital for Russia to get things back into shape afterwards.

  • Common Russian W as of late. Hopefully the severing of ties to the west can only increase, and- even if Putin may not be a communist- Russia can continue its path of learning, emulating, and cooperating with China’s successes. While the liberalism and social “conservatism” will inevitably come to a head (and has to be dealt with), across Russian society otherwise, and structurally (laying the law down on the oligarchs, bringing back 5-year plans, increasing ties with AES and “socialist-lite” policies), I feel they’re on the right path to revitalizing the country and at least parts of the Soviet legacy in a manner that will be conducive to transitioning the country back to true socialism (proletarian rule ie. communism) when the time comes.

  • It really shows that finally, America is getting the leaders they deserve. Not the ones they need, but the most honest representations of all the sins of the empire come home to roost.

    Obama and Romney can speak eloquently, give a veneer of respectability, and pretend they gave a damn about the common peasantry or “human rights,” but beneath it all they’re just as terrible as Trump or Biden, and they played a role (and continue to do so) in creating and sustaining all the same problems haunting the US now.

    Obama strikes me as particularly insidious, because he- as the first black POTUS (figurehead) for the blob, oversaw the destruction of Africa’s most developed country, and its turning into a hell-on-earth with open air slave markets. He oversaw the destruction of black home ownership, and (despite his sensible misgivings) set the stage for the current events in Ukraine, as well as the “pivot to Asia,” and for whatever sympathies he appears to genuinely have had and still have for the Palestinians, ultimately he did and still does nothing about it.

    He was just a figurehead, sure- and if he’d attempted to do anything meaningful, he probably would have gotten JFKed. But he allowed himself to be the figurehead for such atrocious policies, and he played no small part in cleaning up and sustaining the facade of “liberal democracy.”

    I prefer the clearly abhorrent character of Trump, and to a lesser (but still significant) extent Biden, in comparison. It would of course be best if the US could turn itself around, but as that won’t happen- better a blatant monster, than a competent and affable person who can present a pretty picture of the monstrous empire and fool many, if you ask me. Biden, and even Obama before him, were no better than Trump- in fact in many ways they were worse, certainly in their foreign policy they were. And I suspect Biden (or whatever Democrat runs) will do a whole lot more damage- not simply to the empire, but to innocent citizens and to the entire world- than Trump would in a second term, considering that business didn’t only continue as usual when Biden took office, but accelerated towards WW3, and unlike how it was with Trump’s terrible image, Biden (or his puppetmasters, anyways- the man probably doesn’t have much sense left) has the whole west happily goosestepping in line with his atrocities. They would have done so anyways, sure- but at least they would have hemmed and hawed about it and maybe even had second thoughts if the optics were worse, if the Orange Man™ were in power.

  • The rape allegations are already known to be not only false, but completely fabricated by the Swedish government, not even the ostensible “victims” (who didn’t consider it rape, didn’t attempt to charge Assange with rape, and had simply gone to police to try to get him to do another STD check)

    It really shows how farcical it all was- and how much “Swedish neutrality” and all that was a sham, even long before it likely aided in bombing Nordstream, or it joined NATO. It’s literally the “I consent,” “I consent,” “I don’t” meme.

  • Well put, for these reasons honestly I can’t ever see the diminishing of the white, western demographics as a bad thing. They’re not “racially inferior” or whatnot- hell, my partner is white- but statistically speaking, culturally speaking, within the world system and particularly the settler-regimes and imperial cores they have created, they are more likely to be reactionary and opposed to equality than other groups as I see it.

    Until white supremacy and imperialism are completely eradicated as global systems and social diseases, I think that’ll be just how it is. Of course, white individuals like anyone else should be judged by their own personal merits- but as a “race” (the system they created), as a separate group (for all that whiteness is incredibly arbitrary) it’ll take a long time and a lot of changes to return them, and the nations/regions that make up the imperial core as well, to come back down to earth with the rest of the world IMO (not to say “humanity was united before the cracker nations attacked,” but the scars they have left are certainly the most egregious, widespread, and deep of them all IMO).

    The Soviets and the Warsaw Pact strike me as the only group amongst the west to truly try to mend that divide (and the crimes and resulting social corruption of the Russian/eastern European nations was always far, far, far lesser than that of the west Europeans). And even then, so much was undone with their collapse- as I see it even, I’d argue that- while not the primary reason, their whiteness- and thus the ambitions of certain elements of society, to “rejoin the white, western, imperialist bloc,” etc- played a role undermining the union to begin with.

  • In this case, it seems like Russia is- while facing some short-term hassles, generally doing better economically than ever (or than since the fall of the Soviet Union, anyways).

    The west has finally bitten off more than they could chew. Same with all the sanctions against China, and now it all is reaching a point where their sanctions machine falls apart altogether (hopefully soon, and hopefully the western regimes along with it). And eventually there’s going to be some truly magnificent backlash- the product of their own actions, not out of any malice by the rest of the world (though the west certainly deserves every bit of malice).

    The west has destroyed all credibility in their financial machines, in their world economic order- and now they’re just running on fumes, economically, anyways. And they’ve done it all while hollowing their own real economies to increase their bottom line, turning their own imperial cores into deindustrialized hellholes- they’ve nothing to even fall back on, hell, their own citizens by-and-large hate them. An ocean of debt- and public discontent- and the entire world, or those with sanity anyways, moving themselves and their assets as far away from the rogue, deranged, and spiraling west as it faces its karma- 500 years of likely the worst karma (not to put any pseudoscientific/superstitious value to it) from unparalleled brutality, savagery, and barbarism (that of the imperialist west, not their victims they projected upon) is coming up. And even as someone living in an imperial core myself, as someone who feels the pain now and- even if I get out, will have friends and family feel the pain- all the same, the schaudenfreude, the righteousness of it all is going to be delicious. It already is. Hopefully we all survive to see it unfold, and to help the new, better world emerge.