LaTeX is great for documents, mediocre for slides, questionable for spreadsheets, useless for mail and calendar.
LaTeX is great for documents, mediocre for slides, questionable for spreadsheets, useless for mail and calendar.
Matrix/Element has shitty usability and reliability compared to Discord.
For lots of communities, they could use modern forum software like Discourse with better results.
Do you think it‘s all unpaid volunteer work?
Russia also does left wing propaganda. Their goal is chaos and division.
I bought a cheap arm based Linux laptop a couple of years ago. The official distribution with full hardware support never received any updates. ARMbian didn’t fully support the hardware more than a year later. E.g. no sound output.
Looks like it’s still rough around the edges.
KDE Plasma 6.0 introduced experimental HDR support for Wayland session.
DRM clients can directly pass HDR metadata, but this is not available from regular userspace clients, only specialized software can use it.
Web browsers: No web browsers support HDR on Linux at this time.
Valve’s Steam compositor gamescope offers experimental HDR support.
How is support for HDR colors nowadays?
A Short Hike is a fantastic game.
6/10 that’s a pretty low score. It’s an easy 7, maybe an 8.
This game is extremely innovative in the way it creates puzzles. It’s not particularly long, but that’s not a downside really, it’s a proof they didn’t pad the length with mindless repetition.
worth it if you’re a fan of the genre
If you like puzzles, artsy games, and especially innovative mechanics, then it’s very much worth checking out.
Superliminal draws heavy inspiration from Portal and The Stanley Parable
The narrative setting and tone is similar, otherwise even these two are very different games gameplay wise. Portal is a 3D first person puzzle game. Stanley Parable is a walking simulator with a parody, meta narrative, deconstruction of video games.
Check out Q.U.B.E. or Q.U.B.E. 2 for a good 3D first person puzzle game.
Yes, there are all kinds of dance events from the formal to the casual. It depends where you live, I guess what’s on offer.
Vienna has a fantastic ball culture for example.
Functional programmers still pretending side effects snd reals world applications don’t exist.