“Tis’ but a flesh wound”
Every marine should have this exact mindset!
Democracy is worth fighting for!
Lawrence of Arabia
Seven Samurai
It’s a Wonderful Life
Airplane! as runner-up
My brain autofills in dragon roars when listening
Paradox games are pretty good (Stellaris particularly)
Portal/Portal 2 aswell
Solar 2 is also a personal fav but hard to find OST other than on YT
Never considered it like that, good analogy
I knew a chick who would also put on blind fold sleep mask and earplugs… they seemed to like it but I’ve never tried
The Trump administration is not refusing to share power with an opposing party. It is refusing to follow the constitutional limits of a government that its own party controls completely.
In a Monday press release, CRR attorney Jessica Vosburgh said “[o]ur clients refuse to be used as pawns in this twisted game of punishment theater.” CCR’s legal director Baher Azmy called the judge’s ruling a “small but important win for clients otherwise bound to the latest iteration of a legal black hole.”
I agree and what a good way to put it. Doesn’t matter the crime - it’s definitely cruel and unusual punishment to use the bureaucracy of our legal system as punishment
Or else…??
Another strongly worded letter?
Trump hurt itself in confusion
The Trump administration contends such children are not “subject to the jurisdiction” of the U.S.
Well then by that logic all illegal immigrants arent under any US jurisdiction. Therefore they can break no laws and are legally here
BuT hE Is mAkiNG aMeRiCA GreAT aGaIN!