This article misses pictures. It’s hard to imagine what the finished product looks like.
Puzzle #588
That’s how it should be!
deleted by creator
Ohne Reservierungspflicht? Das will doch keiner. Die Reservierung soll einfach im Ticket mit drin sein.
What even is this?
Puzzle #586
Puzzle #585
It’s basically mastodon with a different front end. No fundamental differences.
And placing the farms with one distance from the city center lol
Puzzle #584
That’s 203.7cm for anyone wondering
How does this differ from matrix?
Order Donuts 500 times a year? They should have called that Diabetes.
Puzzle #583
Social Media is a joyless hellhole
Na irgendwelche Produkte wird es da ja schon geben.
Puzzle #582
Der soll aufhören, sich die deutsche Kultur anzueignen!