Sioux Falls SD is 43.5460°N
Rapid City SD is 44.0805°N
Sioux Falls Sunset is at 5:13pm CST
Rapid City Sunset is at 4:38pm MST
If both cities were in CST, Rapid City sun would set at 5:38pm CST
Due to the latitude difference, the sunsets should be 25 minutes apart
However, they are 35 minutes apart due to the time zone difference
If you said “Sioux Falls is farther south than Rapid City” and tried to base sunset time on just that, you’d be wrong.
Thank you. You did a great job explaining it.
The gradients change based on time zones. You’ll see how they line up.
Walking over a time zone line changes time one hour, but the sunset time doesn’t magically change an hour.
Like say you are standing between Georgia and Alabama. If you walk into Georgia the sun will set at around 5:30pm EST. If you walk into Alabama the sun will set at around 4:30pm CST.
The sun is setting one hour earlier in Alabama but you are basically watching the exact same sunset.
As you go further west into Alabama the time zone change “makes more sense” because the time zone being exactly between Alabama and Georgia doesn’t make sense other than them being separate states.