The subscription is only required to buy it, and only until mid January. It’s possible to use Alarmo without an active NSO subscription.
Bun, meat, salad, tomato, onion, Cheddar.
The subscription is only required to buy it, and only until mid January. It’s possible to use Alarmo without an active NSO subscription.
It depends. I got a new MasterCard debit card last week, and the numbers are on the front. Only the CVV is on the back.
The US as a country is carefully designed to not function properly. The federal government doesn’t issue IDs, so it’s up to the states (why even have a government if states have so much power? Nonsense.). State IDs aren’t always free, so instead of campaigning for that, Democrats instead claim that voter ID laws are racist.
Resident Evil and The Last of Us have nukes in the story. It didn’t help at all.
Maybe more people would be willing to use Steam competitors if they weren’t all absolute garbage.
May we live long enough to witness the year of the Windows desktop!
And there won’t even be a movie.
North Koreans have smartphones. They are heavily locked down Androids with access to government apps and websites only.
Yes, simply install Steam and run it in Big Picture mode.
Internal border control is common in East Asia. India, China, North Korea, Bhutan, Malaysia and Vietnam have it with varying degrees of strictness.
They are also still complaining about PulseAudio, despite Pipewire having mostly replaced it, while spending hours fiddling with ALSA to use their headphones.
The problem: incomprehensible init scripts
Notice how there is no border between your town and the next one? Same, but on a larger scale.
Les automobilistes font une fixette sur les cyclistes qui grillent les feux parce que c’est la seule règle qui est encore respectée par les automobilistes. Les limites de vitesse, les stops/cédez-le-passage, les clignotants, les lignes blanches… tout le monde s’en fout. Mais griller un feu rouge est encore très rare, alors quand un cycliste le fait (ce qui est, dans les rares cas où c’est dangereux, surtout dangereux pour le cycliste lui-même), les automobilistes ragent parce qu’eux n’ont pas encore acquis cette impunité.
En tant qu’utilisateur des deux modes de transports, j’admets volontiers prendre parfois des libertés (intentionnellement ou non) avec le code de la route, et je me fous qu’un cycliste grille un feu. Les gens qui ne circulent pas à vélo ne comprennent pas que les feux (et les stops, aussi) ne sont pas pertinents pour les cyclistes qui ont une meilleure visibilité, une meilleure agilité, et une meilleure distance de freinage.
They should.
Innocent until proven guilty. Newspapers can’t say someone is guilty if there wasn’t a trial yet.
I don’t. I find them hard to read.