I completely understand where you’re coming from.
I happen to be Queer myself (MtF, Pansexual, although all of my life, I have been forced to present as Male.)
Where I am coming from is:
1.) As the other commenter mentioned, there’s no monetary value for JKR for there to be HP-Themed communities.
2.) By making Fics, “non-canon” pairings, Fan-Art, etc., YOU control the initiative.
I.e, you want Harry to be gay, make him gay, want him to be trans, BAM!, now he’s Trans.
You can make him Gay /Straight/Black/White/Fat/Slim/Good/Evil/etc.
Same thing with all of the other characters.
Don’t let JKR win by ruining it for you.
3.) It’s not like I set up a requirement that everyone who joins has to donate to a gofundme for JKR, Joining and participating is COMPLETELY free.
IDK, just my two cents.
I actually originally applied for an account on leaky_cauldron, but I never got a response back, so instead I decided to make one on Literature.Cafe