• 4 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: January 16th, 2024


    1. Sure, I’m not even going to verify this one since it’s so low stakes.
    2. This is ill-defined.
    3. Again ill-defined, and I need dates on this, we’ve been sequencing DNA for like 50yrs at this point.
    4. Lol, Neuralink kills monkeys, there’s zero indication of its “inevitability”.
    5. Lol^2, none of that shit works mate. Name one person whose life was extended with cryonics.
    6. AI is ill-defined, plus dates please.
    7. And how well did that go?
    8. First of all, that’s called Moore’s Law after the actual guy who made this prediction, you can’t credit someone else than Moore for Moore’s Law, wtf. Second, this hasn’t held for at least a decade now; we’ve been focusing on completely different things than raw CPU speed to actually increase compute.
    9. “Answer questions” there is a load-bearing term. Did he mean search engines? Is this deriberately vague?
    10. I’m sorry? First, a 3D printed prosthetic is not an exoskeleton, what kind of a logic leap is that. Second, citation needed on “3D printable prosthetic limbs” actually being in use right now on any scale.

  • I just want to latch onto one more thing there:

    GPTs are great at transforming information. Transformations include compression, decompression, and inter-language translation, among others.

    Okay mister computer scientist, sure, what is “transforming information”? From what you’re saying it appears like you’re describing basically any map from information to other information. But AMONG OTHERS that includes a map going from NO INFO to CONFIDENT BULLSHIT. And I do agree LLMs are amazing at it.

    Here, I’ll sketch it out for you in fucking LaTeX:

    $\emptyset \mapsto \mathit{Nonsense}$

  • I’m sorry, but you’re wrong. You’re also mansplaining to an expert. While I admit that I am not an expert on law and am listening when corrections related to LAW and the practice of LAW are concerned, you do not want to admit your lack of understanding of this technology.

    My god DANIEL, no, people are not mansplaining to you, unless that’s a mask for a Danielle.

    EDIT: Down the thread he responds to Kathryn Tewson, an actual expert, with

    Yeah I’m not obligated to answer every question by a horde of people. You should change your name to Karen, because you sure act like a fucking entitled white bitch.

    This guy has such a punchable face, even though I’ve never seen him. I can just tell.