the regress problem states that all human knowledge is axiomatic.
it is true for literally every single possible proposition.
Okay so it’s clear you understand why I brought it up and that it’s true.
I don’t know why the rest of the comment is phrased so angrily but if you’re just saying I’m right I don’t know how to respond to it lol.
asking him to overcome this problem is so fucking far outside the scope of what you’re arguing about as to be ridiculous, you look silly.
I wasn’t asking him to overcome it, I was astonished he would claim he could overcome it because it’s as obviously true as we both claim.
Not sure why I look silly if you keep telling me how absolutely right I am in all contexts lol
I’m sorry, what?
Sure, in the same way I have no knowledge of anything except “I think therefore I am”.
If you apply this level of skepticism it’s impossible to move beyind solipsism.
You’re free to apply that standard, I wouldn’t be able to prove knowledge beyond it and then all conversation stops here.
If you’ll at least grant me a mutual belief in the external world so we can probe it and collect empirical data we can “pretend” is knowledge then we can build up a more interesting philosophy beyond “I don’t believe anything exists at all but me”.
No, I follow it because out of utility I’d like a more useful philosophy than solipsism.
What? That’s literally what you just argued? Now you’re trying to dispel it?
Why should I not respond “this is predicated on a false assumption. you don’t know real facts outside your perception you just strongly suspect it.”?
You just flipped your argument around 180 degrees?