This one hit hard
This one hit hard
“Think of it like a solar cell, but instead of sunlight, this cell harnesses electricity from the vacuum energy of the Zero-point energy field, the abundant energy source available throughout the universe. NGU (Never Give Up) denotes our meticulous efforts behind this invention.”
Hahaha what absolute bullshit. Who believes this crap?
Is this a fucking joke
DJT is the ultimate cuck- he gets off watching his country get fucked.
Nah, the armed brainwashed masses will blame the libs and brown people and continue to suck Elon and trumps knobby dicks
I’m sure Elon gave him an extra blue check for that
Oh was Elon in town? They should be careful, he might shut down their local hospital and put a high schooler in charge.
Good question, as an American, I’m all for these fucks being the first against the wall.
So they’re hiring?
He’s not talking about bad ocr or pdfs being bad in principle, he’s talking about all the drm bullshit in pdfs now that prevent working with them simply as they used to work back in the day. Things like disabling highlighting and copy paste and breaking compatibility with different pdf renderers.
If they require you to use the bastion, then trying to avoid it is probably a bad idea.
If the bastion is running an ssh server, you can jump through it with ssh pass through (using -J).
SSM provides session manager which allows you to skip having a bastion altogether- it basically lets you start an “ssh” session to a private instance without opening ports or networking using aws creds. This requires that you have access permissions to do this and that ssm is enabled.
But… if the reason you are using the bastion is so that they can inspect the traffic, then they’re not gonna let you bypass it via ssm because that also bypasses the managed networking.
I use the cloudflare dns, but there are all kinds of adguard ones too. The Adguard app itself has a big list of options for the fallback.
If you’ve never used adguard, check it out, it can run as a container or on a pi, you just point your router dns at it
I love that smell. Libraries too.
I’ll reserve judgement until I have one, but here’s my $.02:
The Wii U was wildly innovative and a giant flop. In the end, it was a big clumsy prototype for the switch IMO. The switch was the perfect evolution of some of the ideas the U had, like bringing the stationary console into your hands rather than just a tiny pocket console.
The GameCube didn’t do anything really that wildly innovative after the n64, it just had discs and a more comfy controller.
The Wii was pretty fresh, but in the end, relied a bit too heavily on gimmicks, the key parts of which I think were successfully captured by future motion controllers like the joycons.
The DS was super cool, and I love mine, but most games ended up primarily using a single screen, and the other screen just kinda sat there or acted as a map. Switch has a larger touchscreen which makes up for loss of stylus in a lot of ways.
The 3DS was cool for a minute too, but the effect was eye strain inducing and had limited value IMO.
I think it’s great to come up with something totally new now and then, but changing for change’s sake probably isn’t good, and axing a form factor that has been so wildly successful sounds risky.
Nintendo has always operated on a tick-tock pattern (gameboy -> pocket -> color -> advance -> ds -> ds lite & 3ds). Plenty of evolutions between form changes.
Phones, computers, tablets, and now consoles are all reaching their inevitable optimized form- large screens with good I/O. While boring to look at, at the end of the day it’s about the experience of using the device, not how wacky the console looks/works.
I don’t doubt that Nintendo will have more wild ideas in future systems, but I personally dont want a dual screen switch with an attached printer and a VR headset- I want a bulletproof hand held that does what it does very well and provides value. The entire switch concept is so well executed and seamless- don’t take that away! Make it better- battery, heat, graphics power, ergonomics, charge speed, Bluetooth, build quality, etc. make all those things as good as they can be. The switch 2 looks like it improves on many of those things without taking anything away, so I’m pumped to get my hands on one!
I love anything with a tech tree or a skill tree or items that improve based on usage. The ratchet and clank games have such a great mix of all of those things, I end up spending a bunch of time just leveling up the guns!
I wouldn’t be shocked by this
This guy eats 10 lbs of food a day? That seems like a lot regardless of whether it’s all fat and meat or not.
It’s a cache cluster. If you have an expensive query on your database or an api response that’s expensive to generate, you cache it in memory and then for some period of time whenever someone needs it, you return the cached version instead of doing the expensive work. Redis can do a whole lot more than that- data types, documents, etc etc but it’s a web scale caching layer.
Oh yeah execs fix all the problems!