The guy making the threat got arrested.
The guy making the threat got arrested.
There’s probably bacteria on every camera lens. This outlaws all photography.
Usually it’s not that different, though substitute dnf for apt, and package names might be slightly different. If you find instructions for Fedora, Red Hat, CentOS, Rocky, or Alma they’re usually all compatible since they’re all derived from the same source.
Probably. But it shouldn’t be that difficult to just set the damn DNS servers. Used to be you just edited resolv.conf and that was it.
Sure, positive reinforcement is great for encouraging good behaviors. What’s effective as a positive punishment for discouraging bad behaviors?
Reverse image search says it’s an AOOSTAR mini PC. Not sure how much I’d trust something like that with my data.
No. My site is a semi-hosted instance (they have turnkey applications, but also give shell access and a lot of flexibility) so I’m going to see what they have for easy deployment first. A static page generator if nothing else looks useful.
Honestly, there’s not much on the site, so I might just take it down entirely.
Don’t be ridiculous, we should celebrate Big Brother lowering the cost of a chocolate bar to $3.00! Never mind that it was $2.75 last month.
Seriously, though, this kind of attitude is exactly what led to the downfall of the Soviet Union and incidents like Chernobyl.
Don’t. I just set up a Linux Mint system for someone. I had a hell of a time trying to figure out the convoluted network and dns systems.
I use Windows on the desktop right now, but if I switched to Linux, it would probably be Fedora. I’d suggest sticking with that.
That sounds like the maintainer’s problem, not a problem with apt/dnf/whatever. We’ve had automated build processes for decades. If you want stable, use a stable distro; if you want the latest, use a rolling release like Arch or something.
Wordpress is seizing plugins now? Jesus, they really are speedrunning the enshittification pipeline.
My personal site runs on Wordpress, and even though I’m not directly affected by this, I’m definitely moving off. I use other plugins, and for all I know, they might seize those ones tomorrow and start pushing changes.
For now. But if you can’t imagine any scenario where an M240 would be useful, you’re very shortsighted. If (and this is a big if) we devolve into civil war, then an armed insurgency is very much on the table. All the tech stuff relies on infrastructure, and stable infrastructure is one of the first things to go.
Right. In English, it’s usually translated “the night of broken glass”.
The US military failed to fight insurgents in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. What makes you think they’d be any better against an insurgency in the US, especially when it’d involve a good portion of people in their own ranks?
Agreed. Open source it and let everyone review it.
But even if you don’t have experience, it’s easy to gain. Start with OWASP, find some static code analysis tools, and run fuzzers. It’s a good start.
Maybe we should get the US personnel out instead of sending more, then.
Is it still using systemd to fuck up established systems like DNS?
At least it’s coke zero, but that stuff is still not good for you. Even the acid alone is bad for your teeth.
Ever considered switching to seltzer water? I find it to be a great substitute for idle consumption.
I don’t think it would get that real. I think Russia would get big mad, and its few allies would condemn it, but they can barely wage war against Ukraine. There’s no way they could take on the US too.
They could use nukes, but I don’t think they’re desperate enough to start a nuclear war. That would be suicide.