• 146 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Description:

    “From Algeria to Paris, from Tel-Aviv to Hebron, Pinhas Attali has gone from being a militant in the Jewish nationalist movement in Paris, to the leader of a terrorist group in France, to an Israeli soldier, to a business director. Today, at 57 years old, he believes that he is leading a divine mission: the colonisation of the West Bank. He has now become a well known and respected figure. He lives near Hebron, in the Jewish colony of Kyriat Arba. Together with his wife Sarah, he raises his nine children. Pinhas Attali defines himself as a fighter. Since his adolescence he has been caught up in a spiral of violence, that of the twentieth century Jew. An historical figure, he is both a victim and an antagonist, a hero to some, a terrorist and an occupant to others; his journey offers us an unique perspective on Jewish radicalism and colonisation. His story is intertwined with that of Israel: missing peace, latent war, and outbreaks of violence.”

  • I read the book “The Jewish Paradox” from Nahum Goldman, the First president of the World Zionist Congress and also president of the World Jewish Congress.

    He was one of the leaders who accepted the UN partition plan. He says that Israelis at the time wanted to kill him, because Israelis wanted all the land for them, no compromise.

    But other leaders were convinced that they would never get a better offer, and also that having a State was a good platform to later take all of the land to them, for with a State you have some minimal stability and you can get an army and all other infra structure that they didn’t have before.

    If the Palestinians also took this into consideration they could, I guess, be far better now.

    I recommend you to read this book because:

    1. Goldman is against the culture created by Ben Gurion of being enemies of Arabs, so he shows many of Israelis misdoings, and also because

    2. you can see some of the strategies they used to create their country.

    The same strategy could be useful for Palestinians.