Just got three of mine updated. I just don’t understand the anti-vaccine sentiment from parents were have been vaccinated their entire lives and have no adverse effects.
Like. The critical thinking is in the negative.
Just got three of mine updated. I just don’t understand the anti-vaccine sentiment from parents were have been vaccinated their entire lives and have no adverse effects.
Like. The critical thinking is in the negative.
Yeah, our civilization deserves to fall.
I used the tool where I could import my Reddit subs to find similar communities here, and it surprised me how many communities I was a part of that the Reddit algorithm never let me see posts from. Also, it highlighted how much more infrastructure there is to build here. It’s exciting! Like the creative energy of expanding the Wild West but without the decimation of entire indigenous communities and the murder of innocent people and animal species.
I’m in the process of switching to Proton too. I just opened the account; haven’t taken additional steps of switching login emails associated with all of my other accounts, yet. I’ll probably start with giving the new account to local grassroots organizations, first.
I’d like to learn more about what people have to say too!
I’ve basically abandoned Reddit as well. I’ve been on for so long, but this bullshit makes me feel unsafe. If the platform is going to so blatantly side with those who would happily let me die for a few dollars (health insurance companies), then I don’t need to give them my attention or data anymore.
The people of this earth have always been friendly neighbors, not counting the consequences of authoritarian propaganda.
Those who struggle for power have always created enemies out of nothing just for their own gain.
Americans are with you, friend!
College adjunct instructor checking in:
Your teacher is human. They are there because they want to help you get the information that you need to be a successful person as an individual and in society. They see the class packing up early and it really stings because they care about you and their subject’s impact on the world.
If you don’t want to be an educated member of a democracy, just save yourself the student loan bills and don’t come in the first place.
I forgot about that. Free choice and free will apparently isn’t a guarantee in this country, anymore.
I hate how possible this sounds. Like, alongside the other bullshit we’ve been exposed to, this nonsense sounds like it could be real.
“Illegally boycotting.”
Trump is hilarious. Like the government can stop me from NOT BUYING something.
Sounds like if he had it his way, we’d be forced to buy only what he declared and in the quantities the law stipulates, regardless of need or ability to pay.
That’s exactly what we need to take from this. Not that money is in control and that’s why they’re cracking down, but that they’re cracking down because they’re scared.