This guy is an absolute legend
This guy is an absolute legend
He tried his fucking best not to didn’t he? And curious to see if he’ll quit if he wins this time after his turn.
United States of America is a fucking joke. Pretending to be a democracy.
That does make me feel better haha - much appreciated my man!
To be fair I think I’m just salty since I used to be that guy and can no longer afford to do it lol.
I don’t know about you guys but that’s super expensive imo.
It’s a classic tactic to shut down criticism.
Thanks for the recommendation!!
Persona 6 but set in university
Came here for this haha
Because druggies are dying and are not being replaced fast enough
Having fun is the most important thing!
Insurance is the world’s biggest scam. If only jt was done honestly.
But what about the shareholder value?
Help me understand pls?
Likewise. My promotion was less than the annual inflation.
Why is it that these fucks get to increase their price and just to offer shittier service but if I want a raise at my job I’ve got to go above and beyond?
Press X to doubt