To be fair, he couldn’t have used the app since he was recording the incident for social media clout. So much more important.
I hope there will be a lot of jedeeing around.
You turn into a very beautiful ferret!
Badge of honour
Money-driven mindset, haha, you do you, Yash Gupta!
That’s why you use a literature management tool like Zotero which has a built in retraction alert based on the wonderful database of retractionwatch.
Does unfortunately not help the non-scientist looking up a random paper from a Facebook post.
The amount of comments not pointing out the genitals is worrying. Both from an intelligence and horniness point of view.
What’s even better it’s not just $50, but a voucher for their own merch.
Are there any public examples of that? The retraction process is so unbelievably convoluted and slow that I am surprised to hear it is used for censorship.
Its to make you comment and you have now activated their trap card!
It’s a plant blocking the TV. If this is edited it is actually done really well.
Ah damn, you are correct.
Someone just watched Back To The Future II I.
Sicher, gleich nach dem Jahr des Linux Desktops.
Which begs the question if you can swerve non-aggressively through a crowd of cyclists.
But, if all clocks behave like this, how would it matter? It is also only 30 seconds late if you compare a clock that shows minutes versus a clock that also shows seconds. And why would you do that?
Is there a list that keeps track of all companies doing this?