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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • Another millennial adding on:

    1. Bringing a sentient life into a world of suffering and climate change that will only worsen seems malicious to that life, at this point.
    2. My partner really doesn’t want to go through the body changes that come with pregnancy.

    Additional emphasis on #3, even if it didn’t compromise safety, a healthy pregnancy is expensive! Healthcare from any complications is financially devastating.

    Small aside that adoption is not off the table for us, but we’re not financially comfortable to get a dog yet, which we’ve been saving for for a few years. One of us would need to get a huge raise to be able to afford the costs of adoption and raising of a human child.

  • Rep. Dawn Gillman, R-Dassel, shot to prominence when she raised over $500,000 for a nonprofit called Let Them Play MN, which sued Gov. Tim Walz twice in an effort to keep high school athletes on the field, court and rink during a pandemic shutdown.

    Republican raised half a million for a dumb “non-profit.”

    The nonprofit, however, has never filed IRS tax forms — known as 990s — and other required financial documents showing how it spent its donations. Let Them Play MN had its tax exempt status revoked by the IRS earlier this year for failing to file financial documents for three consecutive years. The federal government requires all tax exempt, nonprofit organizations to annually submit 990s and other filings for transparency and accountability, as they detail how nonprofits pay their employees and use donations to fulfill their stated mission. Without the documents, it’s unclear how Let Them Play MN spent its purported $500,000 in donations.

    (bolding by me) So she got half a million, thought she’d just do her own thing, and didn’t realize it would catch up with her?