Dharma Curious (he/him)

Same great Dharma, new SolarPunk packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.neocities.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

  • 5 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • My beloved cat friend, Jack, passed early this year. He was amazing. A highland lynx, absolutely massive, and clumsy as they come. He would only drink water from one of these for years, but refused to ever stick his face in it. He was a polydactyl, meaning he had giant enormous feet with extra toes. He could cup his paws like hands, and would scoop water from the basin (not the stream), and drink from it like some kind of royalty.

    His paws were constantly wet, and our home always had cat paw prints on the floor, and I miss that so much.

  • It’s the middle of the night for me, so I didn’t look to find the picture, but a beka books are the books I used until I was 8, when the science modules started. I had severe struggles learning how to read with them, too. My mom got sing, spell, read and write from a friend of a friend, and I went from literally nothing to reading without issue within a month. Basically, a beka is absolute trash and should be forced to shut down. They’re absolutely horrible.

    But, one really cool thing, when she discovered how bad the a beka books were, and she got text books from the local library (which the state of Virginia never told her was an option when she called to get everything set up for the homeschooling. They told her to use a beka), our options exploded. There were so many, and I was able to go to the local library and do my studying because my neighborhood had a library in it. I ended up graduating 12th grade at 14, because we didn’t take summers off, and curriculum was basically designed specifically for me. I’m not against homeschooling, a lot of people assume I am when I mention those books, but I am against religious fundamentalism being passed off as state approved education.

    Sorry, that was really long. Tl;Dr my mama is fucking awesome, and a beka books are absolute garbage. Lol

  • Yeah, my mom would dropped that like it was hot. I was home schooled because we moved so much (poor, not military). When we got to the science module of the school books when I was ± 8 years old, she realized just how much fundamentalist bullshit was in them. She has spent basically everything on those books, and we never used them again. Went to the local library and got all the science books she could, and taught actual science to me. The books they had sent literally had drawings on humans wearing leopard skins foraging for berries while a dinosaur drank water in the background.