This basically describes any activity I start with my daughter (5) 😄😭 Though she does like finger knitting, just not with the yarn I give her. Even if she chose it herself. Stolen scraps apparently make for the best finger knitting.
This basically describes any activity I start with my daughter (5) 😄😭 Though she does like finger knitting, just not with the yarn I give her. Even if she chose it herself. Stolen scraps apparently make for the best finger knitting.
Yay for socks! (Booo for COVID)
I have sock related questions! I’m making a new pair of socks as a Christmas gift, for someone who wore a hole in the previous pair. How do you guys mend your socks? I patched them pretty quickly with a speed weave, but of course the texture of the patch doesn’t match. On the other hand I have a young child and I like the speed part of the speed weave 😅
Favorite sock yarns? I love Drops Fabel so much. The colors, durability, and price are all great. Plus lots of patterns from the company. But it is so much harder to get here in the U.S.
Has anyone used Cascade Yarns “Fixation?” The local yarn shop owner claims this yarn is near indestructible. But it’s pricey and cotton, so I’m not going to knit a whole pair out of it. I’m intending to reinforce the heel and toe of the socks I’m currently making with this yarn.
The Fabel socks I’ve started, plus a couple other pairs that are going strong after a several years of wear (red is one strand, blue is held double):
I currently have a 2007 VW and another one from 2018. The quality and little special features and details have greatly declined. Before this I had a 2001 model which I drove over 300,000 miles. The 2018 one just doesn’t feel as sturdy. I’ve been a VW fan for a long time, but this last car is disappointing compared to what they used to make.
At least where I live, animal control falls under the police department. Could be different elsewhere.
No I can’t seem to get it to open, which is a problem on my end.
Yes, bring back the New Deal Democrats! Enough of Third Way neoliberalism.
I realize I’m inviting down votes as well, but, ignoring the dog’s name, did he actually bite someone? If so, I can understand why the police were there and that is different from officers randomly barging into an apartment and shooting whatever dog happens to be around (which is a great story to stir people up and get clicks). Though it is still odd how it was handled, I would expect an animal control officer to be first to make contact with the dog’s owners. Not to go straight to shooting the dog?
Thank you for trying to explain. I don’t like it but I appreciate you typing it out. Despite this, I still can’t wrap my head around how a, as you say, racist caricature can rationally warrant a brutal murder in response. Someone making fun of my mother or brother would not elicit such a reaction from me. When the reaction is so extremely out of proportion with the crime and we hear these explanations why this makes sense, the religion and it’s followers who feel such a way become their own caricature. Even without the cartoons.
Do they hope to elicit fear and respect? Because this sort of psychopathy from any social group does the opposite. Respectfully, there is a difference between condemning such an act full stop, and disagreeing with what they did but still thinking it makes sense and people shouldn’t do things that force such an action. The later is what leads Western countries to conclude Islam is incompatible in societies that have, perhaps, once held such a worldview, but in the last thousand years have collectively agreed that is no longer allowed.
You claim only one or two may attack… but holding the same mindset as the killers is still not compatible with Western ideals. I can think someone is an idiot who is going to hell, but that should be the extent of my involvement in their life and the rest is between them and God.
I found out there used to be some fancy fireplace you could sit by! It’s been removed though, and I never got to see it.
I heard one plan was to knock it down and build apartments. Don’t know if that is still on the table or not. The current structure is single story, so I guess starting over would be more likely if they went with mixed use.
Colorado USA. It’s not entirely dead for sure, especially the TJ Maxx and Ross have a few people shopping. Over half the stores are empty though.
I’ve seen lots of forlorn shopping centers in small towns, often looking stuck in time. Plus now so many of the stores I frequented as a kid on shopping trips with my mom (especially JCPenney, also Sears) are closing. I can’t think of a specific mall where I got my start, I’ve always had an interest in buildings past their heyday.
Ha! Yes I realize I should put my money where my mouth is. But isn’t armchair politicking more fun :-)
Ok, then that will have to be our fundamental disagreement. I don’t think either is a good thing. The Constitution tried to find a balance between the two. Whether it is successful or not is another good debate.
It’s fine if the people of Kentucky want to call themselves middle of nowhere. Other areas may not view themselves in that way.
Unfortunately for us the Democratic candidate also didn’t care about infrastructure. That actually frustrates me more than Boebert. The same candidate is running again. He sucks but it was close enough last time maybe he can give her the boot. I’m not convinced he’d be an actual improvement, more of a status quo placeholder.
How would you fix it? If you want to address issues like gerrymandering I’m in complete agreement. Or maybe you meant something else?
I can’t agree these areas count as “nowhere.” That’s where you lose people who might agree with some of your points. The local tribes have worked very hard to preserve their culture after their homelands were previously treated as “nowhere.” Can you not see that belittling people’s homes will make your goals that much harder? As much as you want to completely dismiss anyone outside your chosen sphere of existence, you are having to deal with their representative regardless of your personal opinion. Maybe someday you will get your dictatorship of the majority but that’s not how it works right now if you want to change things.
Feel free to dismiss this next part if you don’t care, but for those of you who would like to change areas like Boebert’s district I’ll make a few more points. Personally I think the politics of this region can be helped by better investment in education (my local school district is a mess), which can be helped with improved income levels so that tax money is there. I’d start with infrastructure to support that. High speed Internet would open up so many possibilities for people who can do skilled work remotely. The local Internet provider hasn’t invested in infrastructure for the past decade. Some cities have run fiber… But then the new houses aren’t actually hooked up to it??? This is an issue we are working on locally, but we are having a hard time even getting to these “luxuries” when we are battling poverty, drug use, and domestic violence. Some homes don’t even have electricity. COVID exasperated all of the existing issues here. Local crime and drug use statistics since 2020 paint a bleak picture.
I’m actually optimistic that the new free school lunch program will be a small step in the right direction. I think that’s an example of the sort of statewide program people can get behind to improve all of Colorado. Isn’t it better to lift people up than steamroll over them?
I call myself a New Deal democrat.
I know they won’t read this comment, but I’d really love to hear from the people who down vote! What do you disagree with? I’ve lived all over the U.S. and even overseas, but I haven’t been everywhere in the world so the great thing about a board like this is people with different experiences can share them. I can speak to my own observations but if I’m missing something please tell me!
And yet, their actual representation is giving everyone fits. Do you want to get rid of Boebert or not? You can double down on your statement but you won’t accomplish anything besides putting me in my place. The people of this region still vote and the way our government is set up means large cities don’t get to dictate everything. If that were the case NY and LA would be ruling Denver and they could claim to be the “real people” of the U.S.
Also, where are you getting the number 1,000? That is no where close to the number of people in her district, which is also geographically fairly large (yes, because of the lack of population density). You can be just as dismissive towards everything I’m saying if you don’t like it, but for those of you who have an interest in how Boebert and those of her ilk end up in government, I’m trying to give some insight into her district. Maybe it will be helpful to someone who cares.
I won’t count myself as an expert, so feel free to skip this post if it isn’t helpful. My background is in U.S. history. I can’t speak to Canadian or British documentation.
Oral history and written history are two different matters and people will weigh them differently. I have not read Mr. Swankey’s work, but I would want to know more about what kind of “vetting” the Haida did before I can judge the impartiality of the work. (Edit to add, if you want to talk about the issues with oral history, my family’s oral history describes tribal members removing blankets from the graves of people who had passed from illness. This would be post-civil war northern plains. When I worked in collaboration with Crow staff from the Little bighorn site, I was informed that blankets were a status symbol and all us women had to wear them for a special event. I remember this because it was 90F out and I was ready to strangle the chief of interpretation with said blanket. But if this is true, then it could be interpolated that blankets–in this area–were valuable enough both practically and socially that some people would have enough motivation to take them in that manner. However, an entire narrative can not be written solely from such stories. Rather they should be small pieces of the bigger picture, supported or refuted by multiple sources.)
According to a U.S. history professor I worked with who was trying to trace primary sources for this aspect of history on the U.S. side, he believed this claim originated from a passing mention in a letter written by a British officer (I’m sorry, it was so long ago I can’t remember the officer’s name and date of the letter, and I don’t want to dox my coworker since his professional opinion may be unpopular).
He had been unable to find any further follow up in the written record, specifically in relation to any official U.S. government policy or general implementation of such a strategy. This was some years ago so I am unaware if his research produced any more primary sources. Thus far the letter he read has been the only direct primary source I’ve seen in it’s entirety. Like you, I have come up short when trying to locate documentation. The Wikipedia (yes, I know) page for smallpox lists several sources under the “biological warfare” section related to what is written there and it could be interesting to look into those publications.
I also have had questions about how people understood disease at this time, and how would they determine the unlucky guy who would get to “gift” infected goods and potentially be infected himself. I have to wonder how this was supposed to work logistically based on their (lack of) understanding of viruses. Maybe I’m over complicating this, but I would not be eager to mess around with anything from a smallpox victim any more than necessary.
This is a difficult subject to examine though and find the actual facts, both because of how long ago this was, and because of the emotional aspect. I still remember a (different) professor I had in college when I was studying for my bachelor’s in history who was giddy about how many white people had died from tobacco and how they deserved it and it was great the native tribes got revenge like that. I had a hard time accepting him as a (reasonably) unbiased source afterwards, though he would count as an expert.