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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • I got a tube in my right ear (as it’s the worst) and bilateral eustachian tube dilation in both. With the dilation basically they insert a balloon through my sinuses into my eustachian tubes and inflate it to expand them, hopefully permanently! I was knocked out for it as they had to go through my sinuses but when I’ve gotten tubes in the past they haven’t as they go through the front side of your ear. Don’t be too worried about getting tubes in your ears, I’ve had it done a bunch of times and it’s not that difficult. I didn’t feel any pain just some pressure. Try talking to your doc again about your apprehension, maybe they will reconsider something to calm you. Good luck with it, it can make a world of difference sometimes!

  • I was in Seattle one night and as my husband and I were walking back to our hotel room, fairly wasted I should say, we saw a lady walking down the street having a real bad time. She was super drunk and crying and kept falling down as she was wearing these ridiculous platform heels. I said we’ve got to go help her and we intercepted her. Picked her up and calmed her down a bit, asked her where she was going, how far to home. Figured we’d hail a cab and pay for it. She pointed to a building and said that’s where so we were like ok and we’re ready to send her on her way and she fell again. I was like nah, you can’t walk in these so I helped her take them off and then was like oh no, you can walk barefoot in the city so I took off my boots and socks and gave her my thick wool socks to finish the walk. Off she went. I hope she still has them, they were awesome socks.

    I did not remember the whole thing when I woke up and was all, where tf are my socks??

  • I was in Seattle one night and as my husband and I were walking back to our hotel room, fairly wasted I should say, we saw a lady walking down the street having a real bad time. She was super drunk and crying and kept falling down as she was wearing these ridiculous platform heels. I said we’ve got to go help her and we intercepted her. Picked her up and calmed her down a bit, asked her where she was going, how far to home. Figured we’d hail a cab and pay for it. She pointed to a building and said that’s where so we were like ok and we’re ready to send her on her way and she fell again. I was like nah, you can’t walk in these so I helped her take them off and then was like oh no, you can walk barefoot in the city so I took off my boots and socks and gave her my thick wool socks to finish the walk. Off she went. I hope she still has them, they were awesome socks.

    I did not remember the whole thing when I woke up and was all, where tf are my socks??