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Cake day: June 14th, 2023

  • Yes. What they found for rabbits, back in the day whilst figuring out how to design it, was that they’d always go right up to the fence and then try to dig. If they hit metal then they’d move sideways rather than backwards, so the skirt goes about 40cm outwards and that prevents all the rabbit incursions.

    At the time I don’t think they ever imagined the need to design for tuatara burrowing outwards, but probably good that it’s only starting to become a question at about the time they’ve been planning for the fence to be replaced anyway. It’ll be interesting to see if and how this affects all the other fenced sanctuaries that have sprung up later.

    Another bonus of replacing the fence is that they’ll be able to change the mesh, as the original one didn’t have small enough holes to prevent baby mice getting through. I’m not sure how the mice inside will be properly eradicated after that’s done. The original eradication was (I think) a brodifacoum drop which would no longer be practical unless everything important was somehow cleared out from inside the fence first.

  • To elaborate however, although Zealandia has a fenced “scientific” enclosure for Tuatara near the front, there’s a separate group of them running wild around the rest of the sanctuary (though still inside the main fence). There’s a particular track up near the back of the fence with artificial burrows where they’re encouraged to hang out. You can often encounter them in the tracks near there, but it’s also completely possible to meet them effectively living wild anywhere else within the fence, and also not entirely uncommon.

    But yeah they basically don’t live on the mainland outside fenced sanctuaries at all any more. Rats interfered too much that they were effectively gone from the mainland from some time after Maori arrival.

  • Just on this, it’s extremely hard for unestablished political parties to get established in NZ. I think a thing we constantly need to be conscious of, though, is the possibility of existing established parties being infiltrated and redirected from within.

    Several major parties this election have list candidates who’d not look out of place in some of the much more fringe parties. It’s not as if we haven’t had fringe candidates enter Parliament previously via existing parties, and they have tended to be either controlled from the top down or ejected, but those groups are getting more organised and aren’t as stupid as some people like to think.

    If the US is anything to go by, they started with school boards and local politics which often have lower turnout and less attention. Since then, one of the two major political parties has effectively been usurped and reshaped by people who’d simply not have had a significant place in political life two or three decades ago.

  • This is really interesting. Is it something to do with people wanting to feel as if they’re on the winning team, even though you can effectively declare you’re voting for someone and there’s still no way for anyone to prove it*?

    * Although the recent trend from the past couple of elections of people photographing their completed ballot papers and posting to social media really needs to be clamped down upon, imho.