• 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • The stigma of primary challenges exists because old guard Dems want everything to run off seniority, because they have the seniority.

    And you could kind of make that argument when it was capping out at 30 years experience.

    Biden has been in the federal government for about half a century.

    When there’s no cap to age, people hang around waiting for their turn, which clogs senior positions and prevents you get generations from getting experience.

    It all comes down to old people refusing to step aside for the next generations, and those old people all agreeing that they should hold onto power till they die in office.

    They won’t step aside, so for the good of the party, they need to be set aside.

    Voters are more important than any party. We don’t need them, they need us.

  • In retrospect, maybe we should have had a Primary debate after all

    We need to every election.

    Bernie pulled Biden’s campaign (if nothing else) to the left, which helped Biden in an incredibly close general.

    The primary is a chance for party voters to show what they want, and the winning candidate then knows where his bread is buttered.

    With no primary, there’s no one to pull Biden left, and he cant afford to lose any votes from 2020.

    But this time Biden doesn’t give a fuck what voters say unless they’re saying how great he is. It’s the same sense of entitlement that cost Hillary her election and got trump his first term.

    We’re just repeating 2016

  • the dangerous Trump argument is absolutely not one to be downplayed

    Which is why it’s so bad Biden insists on staying in the race.

    If he thought beating trump was the most important thing, he’d have announced years ago that he wouldn’t run again.

    But he’ll never stand down. Because he wants a second term more than stopping trump from having a second.

    And people realizing Biden is risking that for his own ego, makes him even less likely to stop trump.

    Historically “vote for me or else” doesn’t work well

    We know what works to motivate Dem voters: young, charismatic, and progressive sounding candidates.

    We can’t get that to stop trump, because 82 year old Biden won’t retire.

  • The worst part is trump has been exactly the same the last three elections.

    His bullshit is normalized to most voters.

    Biden wasn’t great in 2020, but he’s a hell of a lot worse now. Which is why we never see him compared to other presidents when they were in office.

    So for Republicans last night went fucking perfectly. And for Dems, it went about as bad as it could have.

    There’s just no reason to run a candidate voters don’t like or agree with just because the other candidate is so much worse. Even if we stop the worst, we still don’t get what we want.

    None of it makes logical sense, which is probably why Biden’s few supporters only want to talk about how dangerous trump is. It’s really really hard to come up with a reason Biden should be the candidate. Even being an incumbent doesn’t matter when you have terrible approval ratings, those make incumbency a hindrance not an advantage

  • “hold things together without sliding into pure fascism

    Except we’ve been doing that since 2016, for lots of even 2012 after we felt let down by Obama.

    But take a second and think. Are we closer to the threat of pure fascism now than in 2016?

    It’s just a question of how fast we slide, which long term is unsustainable. We need to at least stop the slide and we just have t been doing that.

  • we went through a bunch of primaries, and he has won enough delegates to be the nominee.


    NH got their delegates removed because they keep voting progressive and the DNC declared Biden the winner after like a week.

    For a lot of states, Biden was the only option listed

    Nobody else can swoop in and take over


    This all hinges on either Biden or the person he appointed to head the DNC doing the right thing to give us the best shot of stopping trump.

    It’s incredibly unlikely, especially if no one speaks up and says Biden hurts our chances of stopping trump.

    Biden is the one person in America not doing everything he can to stop trump who has the power to almost guarantee Trump is stopped.

    All he has to do is realize at 82 years old, maybe he shouldn’t be committing to 4 years of the most stressful job on the fucking planet.

  • I just don’t see how anyone can declare Trump the winner

    trump supporters were always going to say it, but who cares what they think?

    Everything is about what Biden did poorly.

    Because when the only other option is trump, it really matters if Biden isn’t capable.

    Are the right-wing forums sitting around this morning discussing what great ideas Trump put out last night?

    Again, who cares?

    And why does it sound like you want Dem voters to be more like Republican voters and have zero standards besides the letter by someone’s name?

    You can’t turn the Dem party into the Republican party. If that’s what Dem voters wanted from a party. They’d be Republican voters.

    It’s easier to change the candidate than 60 million Dem voter’s standards…