Born a sconie right on Lake Michigan, lived in Iowa for a handleful of years for college, then moved to Sota where I live currently. Software Engineer for 20+ years, Ham Radio Operator, lover of retro graming, old time radio and the outdoors.

Mastodon: [email protected]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: September 9th, 2022


  • Think less about time sharing and more about using all the computers you own together.

    You would have a netbook with no compute power as your UI sitting on your couch. You could connect to your beefy desktop to do all the computations for your video editor or playing a game and never have to be sitting at your desk.

    You could also have a big file store device with lots of drives to store stuff.

    We can do some of this now, I ssh into my desktop from my couch and have a NFS in the basement. But they all operate as separate devices that i have to really work at getting to operate together. Plan9 was designed where you’d just pick devices off of the network and the tasks operated normally. Pick your video card, local or over the network to the beefier GPU.

  • It depends on which aspect you’re talking about.

    As a religion, an organization, they are no different. The push the concept of a deity you must obey because you are a human damned by pure existence because their monster of a god says so. While individuals may try and spin their religion how they want, their book and their message is all about abuse.

    What makes historical christians worse is they have been the center of a lot of the world’s destruction, using their religion to justify their bigotry and abuse as being divinely inspired. Judaism only held that honor during it’s infancy.

    Modern times aren’t really any better. Christian Nationalism isn’t making anything up when they push their xenophobic hatred of others. It all comes from a literal reading of the Bible. But then you see things like HeGetsUs. Go do research on the group funding these ads. They are an organization that funds extreme conservative politicians who seek to turn the US into a theocratic state. It’s all a PR stunt to get people on board with voting for “christian values” not realizing that the values they are pushing is anti LGBTQ, anti religious freedom, anti science, anti education policies.

    Yahweh said you could own the heathen around you as your property ans beat them as long as you dont kill them. Jesus said Slaves obey your masters, even the cruel ones. The Abrahamic religions today haven’t gotten any better. Its just that now Christians are starting to say the silent part out loud. Jesus loves you…even though you are an evil sinner who deserves hell.

  • Yeah yeah the standard pedantic response to web services who use ads.

    But how about a real response? People want to block ads and still consume content. If you feel the cost is too high then shouldn’t people watch some ads and block others to only “pay what you want.” Everyone seems to want the service for free and then cry that when you don’t pay your get your videos.

    Explain how this is different than going to a grocery store and then being pissed they wont let you just walk away with food without paying?

  • I own a townhome that i rent out. Have had good tenants for the most part but don’t want to deal with the HOA anymore. So we want to sell but sadly the next door neighbor smokes in her unit so much that it smells in our unit.

    In this state there is absolutely nothing we can do legally about the problem. The guy across the street destroyed the grassy area in front of his unit and a lean was placed on his unit until it was fixed or he was evicted in 90 days. But actual damage to our unit we were SOL.

    This is why people don’t want shared units. When your neighbor is an asshole you’re usually screwed.

  • I don’t think it matters what tools you use as long as it works.

    That would be true if other systems and services depend on them. Would have been nice to come out with a standard and designed systemd around that standard. Then you pick the tool you want that follows the standard rather than be tied into systemd.

    Worth noting is that a process not managed by pid 1 isn’t really a thing you want generally

    I would disagree. A compromised Docker doesn’t mean i have access to things managed by PID1. The entire control model is based around moving your publicly available services further away from something with the highest level of access. Be it users or processes.