I’m a simple man.
I see Owl post, I upvote Owl post.
I like Owls.
I’m a simple man.
I see Owl post, I upvote Owl post.
I like Owls.
Hey look everyone the rapist felon president elect is also a literal traitor. What a grand time to be an American.
let’s be real, nobody is going to mourn him. His gravestone should just be a working toilet to make the caretakers job easier.
Nixon had the decency to resign, therefore with time passed, he can be seen as the loveable monster. drumpf has never been, and will never be loved.
Everything republicans do is based in fear, spite, and greed.
They fear brown people and immigrants, so they deport them, only to bring them back in as indentured servants, to spite the poor people that refuse to work for less than the minimum wage, to personally enrich themselves.
Greed, Spite, Fear.
If they had been born German in the early 1900’s, they wouldn’t just be nazis, they’d be enthusiastic nazis.
yawn, yet another feeble attempt to make himself seem like some master negotiator. Just like Mexico paying for a wall that was never built. He wants attention, and doesn’t want you to think too hard about the incoming Jack Smith report. Or the million other horrendous/criminal things he’s done or is in the process of doing.
How have you managed to keep any potted plants with three cats??
If everyone knew just how little CEOs actually do day-to-day for their millions of dollars, you’d be storming the capital.
When I visited Europe, I had a great time talking with strangers there. One in particular said something similar, in that he thought Americans were just inherently more violent.
Listen, the reality of the situation is that we’re just as friendly and kind as we ever were. Americans are literally the most charitable population. But we’re also living in times of great wealth inequality, while our health insurance is still tied to employment. Something like half a million of us go bankrupt every year from medical debt. We are also all uniquely aware that some people will randomly get lucky, and get a massive windfall of money. Money here doesn’t just mean comfort, it means security, because if ever our luck runs out, there is no social safety net waiting to catch us. People can and often do go from the highest echelons of the social ladder, to living under a bridge, dying of some easily cured disease.
In America, it’s dog eat dog. It’s a zero-sum game. Whatever money you make, is money that I won’t. And when money = security, it means that however secure you are, is how less secure I am. 300 million of us all playing the prisoners dilemma. If we work together we could all have a good outcome, but there are so many of us that have fully bought into the me vs. everyone mentality, that it’s a near impossibility of getting all us prisoners to work together.
But a big mistake, is looking at boomer news (fox news, newsmax, oann) and thinking it reflects reality. It doesn’t. That is 100% hateful news for hateful people. If you like getting a dopamine rush from looking down on others, or doomscrolling, or in being afraid, then faux news is what you watch. Don’t mistake it with America, because it isn’t. It is actively poisoning Americans, but if ever you were to get an active faux news watcher to turn it off, sit down, and have a chat, you’d be surprised at how friendly they were. They are people who bought into the zero sum game, but even they know how/when to be charitable.
When I was a kid, I couldn’t help but intrinsically understand that the bible is not some literal document, but a collection of fables with metaphors for life. Because way back then, without a civilized society, you needed a bit of fire and brimstone to help keep would-be evil-doers at bay.
The only stuff I ever enjoyed, and still carry to this day, were the New Testament teachings of Christ. Love thy neighbor, feed the hungry, shelter the poor, care for the sick, welcome the immigrant.
Oddly enough, along with the current pope, those seem to be the only lessons that most modern day “christians” have done away with. They’ll use electron microscopy to read between the lines to demonize gay people, but when their Lord and Savior explicitly says “it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven,” all of a sudden they’re stricken blind deaf and dumb.
I follow the teachings of the brown socialist who spent his time caring for and conversing with the lowest on the social ladder. The man who overturned the money lenders carts in the street. I dunno who the fuck everyone else is following, but it ain’t him.
We really fell in love with those moon-ball deep shots, but yeah, if there’s a QB coming out of college that fits the mold, maybe someone with the right size and arm strength that isn’t getting looked at, I’d love to take a fly on him. Let him sit for a year to learn under Wilson, and then hopefully right the ship. Ugh.
just threw up in my mouth
No. He’s been the bedrock upon which our franchise operates. However, I’ve seen this time and time again, where it feels like we just let our foot off the gas towards the end of the season. We overlook what should be certain victories, and fail to rally for big games. We had some injuries on the O-line that hindered us, but it just feels like we’re using the same losing formula every year hoping that this time it’ll work. I think we need to use this draft to solidify our O-line, bring in some depth at Running back, get another legit WR to take the pressure off Pickens, and stick with Russel Wilson (at least for now).
Our offense has been doing better since we got Arthur Smith, but he may be head coaching somewhere else next year. If that happens, oof. It’ll be another season of pain while we try to find our offensive footing.
Thank goodness I’m also a Cleveland Cavaliers/ Ohio State Buckeyes fan. Can’t be too sad about one of my teams not doing well when my other two are wreaking havoc 😅
freaking 5 losses in a row to end the season for my steelers. I don’t know how we keep ending seasons like this, but it’s getting REAL old.
I swear, it’s like we hit the threshold for getting into the playoffs, saw those last few games (against the Eagles, Chiefs, and Ravens), knew we could lose them and still make it, let our foot off the gas, and when it came time to hammer down, we just didn’t have it in us. Cam Heyward having an all-star season this far into his tenure does not deserve this kind of ending. I don’t know what needs to change, but man, SOMETHING does.
I had the water from my house tested, it had 3x the current EPA limit of PFAS and it’s associated chemicals present. I informed my local water utility, and they said that they were currently testing, per EPA mandates, exclusively at the Water treatment facility. With zero testing being undertaken at the point of use.
So, they test the water right as it comes out of the water treatment process, and then ignore any results from where the water is used after it traverses miles of underground pipes, that, surprise, are all heavily contaminated by industry.
Chemours, Dupont, 3M. They’ve poisoned all of us, and they knew they were doing it since the 70’s.
of course that rat wasserman schultz voted for it.
People like that make me want to believe in God, just so I’m comforted by their eventual placement in hell.
Here’s the list of voters that you can narrow down. It’s appalling. AIPAC, the pro-isrealGenocide lobby, has been pushing this, in order to shield their terrorist leader netenyahoo from punishment. The bill would not just sanction the International Criminal Court, but it’s members. They are actively trying to punish individuals across the globe, for condemning isreals genocide, using the American peoples congress as their cudgel.
Meanwhile isreal has blocked or impeded every single humanitarian aid shipment to Gaza since October.
I join at the exact time it starts. If I join earlier, I may get pulled into unnecessary small-talk platitudes that are like nails on a chalkboard to my depressed-as-shit self.
Aw dang, Dead boy detective was so good too! bless it. Why can’t we have nice things 😭