This is the hard truth. It’s fun to think of ways to try and “get back at them” or try to make them understand how stupid they are, but they truly are that fucking ignorant. They will always find or create a way to make you be the one in the wrong in their eyes, so ultimately anything you try on them has a greater chance at backfiring and harming you in the long run.
My best friend used to work at a local fast food chain, and there was one week when we were both on vacation with our other friends. He was a Lead and the manager was also away during this timeframe.
We find out that some employee ended up falling for a phone scam, someone called the restaurant stating that they were the manager and needed money to cover some business costs. So this scammer tells the employee to buy gift cards and read out the numbers on the phone and such.
This dumbass ACTUALLY does this, while using the restaurant funds. He goes to Walmart with cash from the drawers, buys the gift cards worth like 5000 bucks, and gives them all to the scammer on the phone.
It wasn’t until after the full transaction completed that the dumbass employee decided to call my friend asking if what he did was okay, and my friend was like “FUCK NO, WHY THE FUCK DID YOU DO THAT, ARE YOU INSANE?”
And yeah, pretty sure that dude was fired and they just had to deal with being short 5000 dollars.