• 15 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 28th, 2022


  • J’ai manqué de nuance, c’est vrai que cet amalgame existe, mais déjà il existe surtout chez les crypto-droitistes comme Soral, et tout ça n’empêche pas que

    les résultats du baromètre tendent à montrer que les opinions antisémites restent largement structurées par les vieux stéréotypes parmi l’ensemble des sondés

    Ça veut bien dire ce que ça veut dire, l’idée que désormais c’est la gauche les vrais antisémites alors que le RN est désormais clean c’est ahurissant

    Après j’avoue j’y vais fort quand j’accuse le journal d’être complaisant avec cette idée, je comprends qu’on ne partage pas ce sentiment

  • Malgré l’émergence d’un « nouvel antisémitisme » chez les musulmans et une partie de l’extrême gauche « qui s’appuierait sur un antisionisme amalgamant et diabolisant “juifs”, “Israéliens” et “sionistes” », les résultats du baromètre tendent à montrer que les opinions antisémites restent largement structurées par les vieux stéréotypes parmi l’ensemble des sondés.

    Traduction : mon opinion sur une question est contredite par les faits que je cite mais bon je vais quand même le formuler d’une manière tordue parce que c’est très important que les gens pensent que la gauche est antisémite quand l’extrême droite est aux portes du pouvoir

  • I’m not completely sure I understand your reasoning, but there’s something I was thinking to myself about Einstein and dialectics.

    The Newtownian theory was formed at an age where the newest advancements in philosophy and science were made by seeing the world in mechanical interactions and abstract absolute rules. It was opposed to theological thinking so it allowed for massive progress.

    Contemporary philosophy goes beyond the enthusiasm of the first modern scientists, and one of the manifestations of this tendency are Hegelian dialectics. Given the socialist orientation of Einstein, it wouldn’t surprise me that dialectics were a way of thinking that helped him go beyond the previously established necessity of having bodies touch each other to interact. Einstein surprised its time, not by being a man-computer that solves every equation, but by daring to bend concepts like space and time in a manner that shatters the old vision of a world made of simple little gears that activate each other by physical contact.

  • I thought the same as you about the exciting technological fundamentals before realising that it was unfortunately also very overblown.

    Basically Blockchain technology is a solution in search of a problem. It was invented by someone who was convinced that decentralised currency would realise the ancap utopia. In order make it mainstream, people have been trying very hard to find better use cases and it turns out that you always end up concluding that the centralised approach is always better.

    Proof of stake could make the thing not too environmentally damaging but it’s been years that major blockchains are saying they will implement it the next year. And again, the use cases would remain weak in the end

    There are other cryptographic mechanisms at play, which are amazingly interesting but it is not going to revolutionise the internet since it’s already being used everywhere (for example asymmetrical keys).