Why would you need to defend anything?
Why would you need to defend anything?
It’s two hundred years from the war, it would be really hard to salvage steel with it being exposed fot this long.
They probably started with scavenging but moved to mining it. Even depleted mines usually contain enough material it’s just can’t be used due to small volume, but when your whole nation is 1-2 million people it will work.
They can make fabrics from whool, or nettle or any native local plant.
There were no long, hard winter. There won’t be peace in Ukraine in the next few months at least.
They were one of the hosters with ignore dmca, serve whatever policy, that is still true.
I’m not sure but that’s like third time they are being busted by the police. Last times they were, dunno might be police just found the name familiar. 😄
Update: these guys didn’t actually advertise anything like this, mixed them up with vsys.host
Prophecy has come true. Do not host important information with hosters that advertise themselves as dmca ignoring, seedbox-friendly whatever. They will be sabotaged by police it’s just matter of time.
Jokes are elitist, what if you meet a german joke-inhibited person?
People actually do call it gnu/linux semi-often, dunno why.
In short soy isn’t great for cats, but just giving them a bit of soy milk won’t be harmful.
You can grow sorrel at home, if you really like it.
Histrically borshch probably was a name for anything that was more or less drinkable and non-alcoholic, there were no original recipe, like there is no original recipe for other common dishes, they were just made with whatever was available and whatever people ate at the time. AFAIK there are similar dishes in countries that were part of lithuanian commonwelth, which were based on different kinds of kvass as well.
Personally I really dislike kvass based borshch, like it’s vile. 😄
I have somewhat mixed opinions on Max Miller; his acting is a bit over the top, and history fragments sometimes have weird details that he had misunderstood during research or misread. I would have liked his videos a lot more if he actually talked about the history of the recipe more and not something tangentially related to it. In general he is ok. 🙃
Beetroot juice and beetroot based dishes, pikled lemons and other citrus fruits, sweet meat.
I like to experiment with food in general, try some old recipes like before american vegetables old.
But it will make me mildly uncomfortable! /s
Monkey simulator 2025
There also are multiple rivers with danu root, that also means river: danube, donets, don. People aren’t exceptionally good at naming in general, so “hill” hill and “river” river. 😄
Banned (expires in 300 years)
They didn’t, a lot of shared places, or land features have different names in differsnt languages and different places. Agreements happen when something either didn’t have a name before, or when the name came from the past.
clapping intensifies
Wow, rude, we call it b’rit milah it’s traditional. 😺