nickwitha_k (he/him)

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • This logical fallacy is called “Denying the Correlative”. It’s basically the opposite of a False Dilemma. In this electoral system, there are two statistically relevant choices: supporting Biden OR supporting Trump. Right-wing voters are consistent, making voting third-party or withholding one’s vote mathematically equivalent to supporting Trump.

    It sucks and it’s bullshit but disliking reality does not make it any less true.

  • Is the book and its methods intended for neurodivergent people? If not, it is important to be aware that it may have limited use to people with ADHD as our dopamine signaling in the executive function parts of our prefrontal cortex is all kinds of fucked.

    That said, I’m ecstatic to read that you found it helpful and really appreciate your correct characterization of one of the maladaptive coping mechanisms that we often try to use.

  • It absolutely wasn’t just a stutter. It was an 81 year old with a history of speech impediment - things like that can manifest differently in old age. Maybe it’s from having grown up with a mother who was a nurse at an assisted living facility but, I really think that anyone who was shocked was setting expectations that are disconnected from the reality of how age impacts our communication abilities. If setting the bar at standards for people 10, 20, or 50 years younger, yeah, it was terrible. Relative to people of advanced age? He did well. When you’re that old, 4 years in a high-stress position is a long time.

    It’s a bullshit choice as neither are in an age range where they should have power over long-term policy. It’s also pretty horrific in terms of ethics. But, a soggy turnip would be better than any nazi, much less a nazi who is a compulsive liar intent on using the political system for revenge and installing himself as dictator.

  • I did watch it. It was not great but, I’m still left with the impression that people set really unrealistic expectations for an 81 year old with a history of speech impediment. Those things come back in novel ways as we get older. IMO, the whole thing borders on elder abuse but, that’s where we’re at. Just disappointing to see the “left-wing” (corpo) media immediately on the attack - they seem to be trying to carry more water due Trump.

    Also, I am not sure if the shell-shocked look of the talking head before she started speaking was from the debate or the words on the teleprompter.