Works as designed
Works as designed
Won’t happen. We don’t have the infrastructure. Or weapons. Or trainers.
Hach, ich werde nostalgisch.
No. If I disagree, I hit reply.
HTTP 500 🤔
Als Kind hatte ich die Serie geliebt.
The company’s PCs were running XP, but had Windows 7 Pro license stickers on their back. I wrote down a few license codes for using them at home. One of those is now my Windows 11 Pro license.
I have built my own instance. With blackjack! And hookers!
I federate with just everybody. And guess what, it works. That’s awesome.
Wenn die die Studie so abgesehen vom affigen Schaltgetriebe auf die Straße bringen, gerne. Dann aber bitte mit mindestens 40 kW/h.
Huh? No crashes here. I’m using the app that’s on the Apple app store.
Or check this out:
Time to look at Voyager: [email protected] It’s very Apollo’ish.
Redditors trusting Reddit? lmao
Because spez killed Apollo.
So which Pixel hardware survived seven years in the past? 🤔
Never rotting teeth would be great.
Just like every other week.