@BlueMonday1984 you can actually get an HL: Alyx compatible Windows Mixed Reality set on eBay for well under $200. I use an Acer one pretty much exclusively for Beatsaber, but it’s very capable hardware for other games too. It’s kind of a shame that the WMR sets didn’t catch on. They were cheap, even new, and were the start of a less closed VR ecosystem. Facebook massively undercut them by selling at a loss when they were released, though, and they were pretty much dead in the water.
@HelixDab2 @sue_me_please I’d go a step further and say it doesn’t work. It’s an inherently flawed concept that you can reduce human thought, skill, ability, and behaviour to a number and then rank people by it. The legacy of general intelligence itself is that of people assuming it exists and seeking to justify their assumptions.