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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • “The Things They Carried” by TIm O’Brien. Usually I prefer less of fiction, but it’s less of a narrative story of ‘what happens next’ or ‘what is happening’ but more of what is happening inside the minds and hearts of the characters, which is something I really like. Favourite story so far is “Speaking of Courage” which tells all the internal conflicts and struggles of someone coming back from war - real powerful and emotional read.

  • Finished Quiet by Susan Cain, finally - shared this as my read here some time ago. As a textbook introvert it wasn’t exactly an easy read, emotionally, for me - so often had to put the book down to deal with all the emotions, to process the catharsis or to grieve for what past-me had to go through. But ultimately it was quite a positive read, though I wouldn’t say that I agree with everything in the book - especially speaking from a professional perspective, personally I did find a lot of affirmation and validation from the book. I mean, just this morning I declined an invitation to a dinner party with just a slight hint of guilt, haha!

    Reading something of an entirely different feel currently - had to go for something ‘light’ after the previous read. The Man Who was Saturday, a biography of Airey Neave.

  • For my former classmate’s case it’s less about academic results - we’re from a quite a reputable high school after all - but more on that they were not the best behaving student in class. Though nothing bad and more of middle-schooler antics, but I remember them as quite a mischievous person, loud, and always ready for a prank. But I guess that was a way of them showcasing their leadership quality even back then.

    But still it’s indeed a good encouragement for young people to not base their self-value on results, also to be less anxious about their future directions, but that they’ll also find their strengths and passion one day.